New chess opening book: M11.2 (bin and ctg)
We provide two opening books, in two different formats: bin and ctg. This is enough to be used in almost any chess program (GUI). Of course, every book may contain errors, but this one is based on a high rating. Happy testing!
Book - CTG format
Customers who wish to use the CTG format book will need a GUI capable of reading this format, ie. Chessbase GUIs.
Please save the book in your book folder. We strongly recommend that you "Optimize" the book in the Book options dialog so the tournament moves are chosen. The book is very wide even in tournament mode unlike most other books.
A type of book format mainly used by chess programs from Chessbase, such as Fritz, Chess Base, Komodo, FatFritz, Houdini, etc.
Book - BIN format ( Used by chess GUIs Arena, Banksia and Droidfish)
Binary books have some important advantages, especially for computer chess engines: space-efficient, fast on accessing and searching, more useful information.
At the most simple form, they are just a conversion of above text-opening books into binary, in the ready form for software and save text-binary converting steps. However, the major number of top books is built and worked with hash values from transpositions. Often each position is stored as a hash value (8 bytes) and some extra information such as the number of times occurred, number of games won by white/black / drawn with this position, average/maximum Elo of players playing to this opening position, chess program's success with the position. To save space those extra information typically about 2-8 bytes.
For example, PolyGlot uses 16 bytes for each item, including hash, move, weight, learning values. Items of a book should be sorted by their hash. So when a chess program has to decide on a move, it will look up (by using binary-search) using the hash value of the current position to collect all information come with that hash value and then make a decision upon it.
To build and/or edit those opening books, users need to use special software. (source)
Book M11.2 - Special Chess Games, Minimum rating 2600 Maximum 2700.
Elo Games, My Play-chess Games, Engine games, Book testing games, Scct games.
These and other books are also available on the "download" page of our blog. Check HERE
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