
Chess engine: Catto 0.10.0

Catto - UCI chess engine Author: Phu Minh  Rating CEDR=2316  What do we currently have? The engine Negamax search algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning. Move ordering: MVV-LVA heuristic. Killer heuristic. History heuristic. Countermove heuristic. Checkmate and stalemate detection. Quiescence search. Evalution: PeSTO evaluation. Pawn structure. UCI. v.0.10.0: Added basic king safety evaluation. Added basic mobility evaluation. Catto 0.10.0 download

Chess engine: Hedgehog 2.407

Hedgehog - UCI chess engine,  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=1827 Author - Eugene Kotlov  Hedgehog 2.407 download

Vault 0.4.1 JA wins Group A-09.Amateur League CEDR edition 05/2024, 2024.07.26

A-09 is the last group of amateur and new chess engines. The Vault 0.4.1 JA engine won, drew only once and won all the remaining games. In 2nd place Smaug 2.2.1 JA and in 3rd and 4th Cyrano 0.6b17 JA and Drosophila 1.6 JA engines. We draw your attention to Mephisto Gideon Professional (1993) - a program adapted to play as a UCI engine. 👍Promotion:  Vault 0.4.1 JA Smaug 2.2.1 JA Cyrano 0.6b17 JA Drosophila 1.6 JA .  👎End test:  TheMadPrune 1.6.51, Pioneer 3.01 .  All CEDR games  381.115 download    💾  153 games from the tournament download @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City -  Malbork   🕓 Time 3'+3"  💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Banksia Tech table: Engine KN/mov NPS dep/mov time/mov mov/game time/game fails Annie 2ca4ccd 2024-07-08 GS 2742 1059448 6.6 2.6 30.3 78.4 Baryonyx 0.1.13 6181 1206747 18.2 5.1 52.9 271.2 Black Cat v2.3 2129 380909 22.5 5.6 51.4 287.4 1 Casanchess 0.8 JA 2526 578244 21.3 4.4 84.1 367.2 Crab 3.1

Chess engine: SF-PB 230724 (derived from Stockfish)

SF-PB  Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1    Copyright (C) 2004-2023 The Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file) Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This new version works with the NNUE neural networks. Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3758 Individual statistics:  SF-PB 120624 Deep Ripper -1 7.5/16 -1 16 Games RapTora 3.0 7/12 +2 12 Games Killfish 150624 6/12 +0 12 Games SF-PRO 14.06.2024 6/12 +0 12 Games Marauders 3.6 6/12 +0 12 Games SugaR AI SE 5/10 +0 10 Games JigSaw 5.8 5/10 +0 10 Games Stockfish 16.1 5/10 +0 10 Games Yuliirma 4.0 5/10 +0 10 Games Deep Blue 20240518-assassin 4.5/10 -1 10 Games Yuli GM Pro 16 4.5/10 -1 10 Games Raid 3.6 TR 5/9 +1 9 Games Obsidian 12.29 5/8 +2 8 Games CorChess dev-20240618 4.5/8 +1 8 Games Stockfish dev-20240615-2046c9 4/

New version chess engine: Tcheran 2.5

  Tcheran - UCI chess engine   Author: Jonathan Gilchrist Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2245 If you want to know what the ranking of the Tcheran engine is, we encourage you to visit the website with the monthly updated CEDR ranking - RATING page . v.2.5: Fix not storing moves that caused beta cutoffs in the TT (~50 Elo) Pack midgame and endgame PhasedEval i16s into a single i32 (~19 Elo) Do PVS by searching first move with the full window and the remainder with a zero-window (~4 Elo) Perform all TT updates in the same place in negamax (~1 Elo) Tcheran 2.3 - results: Alouette 0.1.7 6/6 +6 6 Games Piglet 1.3.6 4/4 +4 4 Games GitChess 1.0 4/4 +4 4 Games Sloth 1.8 3.5/4 +3 4 Games Oxidation 0.7.0 3.5/4 +3 4 Games Akira CE 1.1.1 3.5/4 +3 4 Games Eubos 3.5 2.5/4 +1 4 Games Mayhem 8.2 2.5/4 +1 4 Games OpenTal 1.1 JA 2/4 +0 4 Games Fatalii 0.7.0 1.5/4 -1 4 Games Rodent NN JA 0.5/4 -3 4 Games Chess-Rikus 1.466 JA 2/2 +2 2 Games Javelin 1.0.0 2/2 +2 2 Games Topas 1.3.3 2/2 +2 2 Games Alibaba 1

Chess engine: Stockfish 20240723 Ivec

Stockfish - UCI chess engine, compiled by Ivec Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3753 We highly recommend this Stockfish compilation (by Ivec). The engine performs very well in our tests. Chess Engines Diary Team. Stockfish 20240605 Ivec  - results: Stockfish 16.1 6/12 +0 12 Games Obsidian 12.29 6.5/10 +3 10 Games CorChess dev-20240606 5/10 +0 10 Games Steel Fighter 2 5/10 +0 10 Games Yuliirma 4.0 4/8 +0 8 Games Yuli GM Pro 16 4/8 +0 8 Games SugaR AI SE 4/8 +0 8 Games Lizard 10.4 4/6 +2 6 Games Caissa 1.18 4/6 +2 6 Games Berserk 13 3/6 +0 6 Games Beast 15 MPV 3/6 +0 6 Games Deep Ripper -1 3/6 +0 6 Games Raid 3.6 TR 3/6 +0 6 Games Cyrano 0.6b17 JA 4/4 +4 4 Games Integral 2 4/4 +4 4 Games Odonata 0.9.0 4/4 +4 4 Games Drosophila 1.6 JA 4/4 +4 4 Games Altair 7.0.3 JA 3.5/4 +3 4 Games Wasp 7.00 2.5/4 +1 4 Games Dragon 3.3 2.5/4 +1 4 Games Kookaburra 2.00 2/4 +0 4 Games Stockfish 20240723 Ivec download  

New version chess engine: CorChess 20240724

  CorChess   is a clone of Stockfish maintained for better performance on long time controls, trying at least partially to fill the gap between regular tests and demands of correspondence players. 👍 The team at Chess Engines Diary suggests using this engine for the analysis of chess games, especially for intricate positions. Thanks to the Author  Ivan Ivec Rating CEDR=3769 (3'+3") CorChess 20240724 download CorChess 20240509  - o pponents: Marauders 3.4  - 4.5/8 +1  Yuli GM Pro 16 - 4.5/8 +1   Cool Iris 12.20 D-3072 - 4.5/8 +1   Kookaburra 2.00 - 4.5/8 +1  Dragon 3.3 - 4/8 +0  Brainlearn 28.1 - 4/8 +0  JigSaw 5.5i - 4/8 +0  Yuliirma 4.0 - 4/8 +0  Crystal 8 - 4/8 +0  AbbyStein 2.8 - 4/8 +0  Stockfish 16.1 - 4/8 +0  ShashChess 35.3 - 4/8 +0  SF-PRO 05.05.2024 - 4/8 +0  Raid 3.6 TR - 3.5/8 -1  HypnoS 040524 - 2.5/4 +1  SF PB 190524 - 2.5/4 +1  Stockfish 20240513 - 2/4 +0  Deep Blue 20240315-killer - 2/4 +0  Deep Blue 20240518-assassin - 2/4 +0  HypnoS 160524 - 2/4 +0  SF PB 05

New chess engine: Pioneer 3.01

UCI chess engine - Pioneer Author: MetalBoy0 v.3.01: Changelog Fixed bugs for move generation relating to double pawn pushes not checking for pins Optimized Move generation, now about 1.5-2x faster Removed most of the debug output Pioneer 3.01 download

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Chess Engines Rating League Season 8/2014

This is prehistory 🙂 10 years ago: Chess Engines Rating League Season 8/2014 Especially for You, we remind you of the results of the chess engine league from 10 years ago. We know that you like to remember which chess engines were the best back then. SuperLeague edition 08/2014 P Engines CEDR Score Chg 1 Stockfish 14091916 x64 3227 21.0 / 30 -12 2 Heron impossible 280814 3100 20.0 / 30 30 3 Houdini 4 x64A 3143 18.5 / 30 -3 4 Bouquet 1.7 x64 2998 17.5 / 30 51 5 Gull 3 x64 3090 17.5 / 30 6 6 Amitis 2013-09-12 3000 16.5 / 30 42 7 Komodo 8 x64 3158 16.5 / 30 -30 8 Strelka 6 x32 3057 16.0 / 30 6 9 DON 050914a x64 3073 16.0 / 30 0 10 Komodo 5.1r2 x64 3019 15.0 / 30 18 11 Houdi