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Rodent NN JA wins Amateur League CEDR group A4 edition 05/2024, 2024.07.15-17

Rodent NN JA achieved a 100% victory rate in Group A-04 of the amateur chess engines tournament. Congratulations on the flawless result!

Mantissa 3.7.2 secured the second position, followed by Kobra 1.2 in third and Arcanum 2.1 in fourth. The chess engines that finished in third and fourth place advanced to Group A-03.

๐Ÿ‘Promotion: Rodent NN JA, Mantissa 3.7.2, Kobra 1.2, Arcanum 2.1

๐Ÿ‘ŽRelegated: Raven 1.30, Fornax 4.0, Catacomb 1, Loki 3.5.0

All CEDR 381.115 games download (01.07.2024) ๐Ÿ’พ 190 games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปHP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena

Eliminations – Amateurs and new engines (3’+3”)
A-01 Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1 Motor 0.6.0 2786 15.5 / 19 promotion
2 Drofa 4.1.1 JA 3285 13.0 / 19 promotion
3 Kuma 1.2 3275 12.5 / 19 promotion
4 Reckless 0.6.0 3158 12.5 / 19 promotion
5. RukChess 3.0.19 3331 11.0 / 19
6. Nalwald 18 3306 11.0 / 19
7. Svart 6.0.0 JA 3281 11.0 / 19
8. Zahak 10.0 3324 11.0 / 19
9. Leorik 3.0 2993 10.0 / 19
10. Little Goliath 3.17 3322 9.5 / 19
11. Expositor 4WR02 3389 9.5 / 19
12. Combusken 2.0 3264 9.5 / 19
13. GreKo 2021.08 NNUE 3300 8.5 / 19
14. Nirvanachess 2.5 3193 7.5 / 19
15. Mittens 0.9 3177 7.5 / 19
16. Flounder 3210 7.0 / 19
17 Danasah 9.1 NNUE 3266 7.0 / 19 relegation
18 Pedantic 1.1.0 3124 6.5 / 19 relegation
19 Zangdar 2.29.01 2954 6.5 / 19 relegation
20 Wahoo 4.0.0 3118 3.5 / 19 relegation

A-02 Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1 Sirius 7.0 3113 13.0 / 19 promotion
2 Jet 1.2 3287 12.5 / 19 promotion
3 Demolito 2023-11-04 3257 12.5 / 19 promotion
4 Princhess 0.18 3215 12.5 / 19 promotion
5. ChessBrainVB 4.03a 3205 11.5 / 19
6. Protej 0.6.6 3133 11.0 / 19
7. Invictus r382 3181 11.0 / 19
8. Lambergar 0.6.0 2615 10.5 / 19
9. Mida 2.3.1 3090 10.5 / 19
10. GOOB 1.8.9 3084 9.5 / 19
11. Sting Black Hole 7 3132 9.0 / 19
12. Gargantua 1.0 NNUE 3119 8.5 / 19
13. Ippolit 032324 3120 8.5 / 19
14. Particia 2.0.1 3081 8.5 / 19
15. The Baron 3.45 2993 8.0 / 19
16. Anduril 3116 8.0 / 19
17 4ku 4.0 3093 7.5 / 19 relegation
18 Amoeba 3.4 3098 6.5 / 19 relegation
19 Wize 1.0 JA 3014 6.0 / 19 relegation
20 Journeyman 2.1 3030 5.0 / 19 relegation

A-03 Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1 Odonata 0.9.0 3205 17.0 / 19 promotion
2 Cadie 1.7 3006 14.5 / 19 promotion
3 Ice4 v4 3054 13.5 / 19 promotion
4 Polaris 1.8.1 3050 13.5 / 19 promotion
5. OliThink 5.10.5 3058 12.0 / 19
6. Vengeance 3.1.0 JA 3028 11.0 / 19
7. Cheese 3.2.1 3081 10.0 / 19
8. Inanis 1.3.0 2922 10.0 / 19
9. Ceibo 1.0 2977 9.5 / 19
10. Seawall 20231015 2949 9.5 / 19
11. Topple 0.8.1 3040 9.5 / 19
12. Shallow v5 2907 9.0 / 19
13. Lynx 1.5.1 2849 8.5 / 19
14. Ivanhoe 66 2844 8.5 / 19
15. KnightX 4.0 2824 7.5 / 19
16. Dumb 2.1 2810 7.5 / 19
17 Clovis III 2894 7.0 / 19 relegation
18 Colossus 2022a 2821 6.5 / 19 relegation
19 Devel 2762 3.5 / 19 relegation
20 Supernova 2.4 2814 2.0 / 19 relegation

A-04 Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1 Rodent NN JA 2978 19.0 / 19 promotion
2 Mantissa 3.7.2 NNUE 3303 17.5 / 19 promotion
3 Kobra 1.2 2051 15.0 / 19 promotion
4 Arcanum 2.1 2922 11.0 / 19 promotion
5. CT800 1.45 2823 11.0 / 19
6. MadChess 3.2.2 2812 10.5 / 19
7. Pingu 3.0.0 2695 10.5 / 19
8. Rengar 1.3.0 2536 10.0 / 19
9. Blunder 8.5.5 2799 9.5 / 19
10. Apotheosis 4.01 2852 9.0 / 19
11. Lishex 1.1.1 2733 9.0 / 19
12. Lux 4.2 2660 9.0 / 19
13. K2 0.99 2786 8.5 / 19
14. Novice 3.1 2746 8.0 / 19
15. Zevra 2.5 2753 8.0 / 19
16. Luna 2.0.0 2691 6.5 / 19
17 Raven 1.30 2692 6.5 / 19 relegation
18 Fornax 4.0 2615 6.0 / 19 relegation
19 Catacomb 1 2706 4.0 / 19 relegation
20 Loki 3.5.0 2628 1.5 / 19 relegation

A-05 Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1 Ares 2.3.14 2611

2 Shen Yu 2.0.1 2586

3 Galjoen 0.41.2 2621

4 Puffin 3.0 2695

5. Prophet 4.3 2631

6. Queen 4.05 2597

7. Admete 1.5.0 2649

8. Anka 0.6.3 2584

9. CeeChess 1.4 – Tuning 2343

10. Barbarossa 0.6.0 2594

11. ChessMaster 2023 2546

12. Popochin 4.3 2515

13. Axon 0.3 2438

14. PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA 3694

15. Equisetum 1.0 3491

16. Alexander 1.3 3559

17 Clarity 7.2.0 3504

18 Orion 1.0 NNUE 3084

19 Saxton 1.0.0 2400

20 Patricia 3.0.0 3081
