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New version chess engine: Lc0 BT4

LcZero - CEDR Rating=3683

Big transformer 4. New network architecture which builds off of BT3 by adding two types of auxiliary heads, future heads and categorical value heads. The categorical value heads predict a distribution over values of q rather than a WDL outcome distribution, and the future heads predict the moves that will be played over the next two plies. The hope is that these heads will give additional information to the net to improve training speed. We've also fixed half-precision training, so this model will be larger. BT4 training started in mid-October and is expected to take a few months. It has 15 layers with 1024 embedding size, 32 heads per layer, and 1536 emb size, for roughly a doubling in size over BT3. 

Individual statistics: Lc0 0.30.0
Stockfish 165/13-313 Games
Booot 7.26/10+210 Games
Critter 1.6a8/9+79 Games
Dragon 3.24/8+08 Games
Stockfish 202307293.5/8-18 Games
ShashChess 33.23.5/8-18 Games
Fisherov chess monk 1.23/8-28 Games
Seer 2.6.04/7+17 Games
Raid 2.7i3/7-17 Games
Pingu6/6+66 Games
Luna 1.1.06/6+66 Games
GOOB 1.8.96/6+66 Games
Coiled 1.26/6+66 Games
Texel 1.096/6+66 Games
Wasp 6.505.5/6+56 Games
Alexandria 4.04/6+26 Games
Clover 6.04/6+26 Games
SlowChess 2.93.5/6+16 Games
Igel Games
Cool Iris 10.402/6-26 Games
Lynx 0.14.15/5+55 Games

Lc0 BT4 (gpu-nvidia-cuda) download


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