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Spaghet MariNNara 1.0 wins Amateur League CEDR group A8 edition 05/2024, 2024.07.23-24

The Spaghet MariNNara 1.0 engine, tested for the first time in the league, promises to be very interesting. He won the A-08 group with a very good result.

In 2nd place is the Bagatur 5.1a engine and in 3rd place is the Thrawn 2.1 engine. The fourth engine was also promoted to the A-07 group: Javelin 3.0.0.

๐Ÿ‘Promotion: Spaghet MariNNara 1.0, Bagatur 5.1a, Thrawn 2.1, Javelin 3.0.0

๐Ÿ‘ŽRelegated: Mcu-max 1.0.5, Phalp 22032400 JA, Alibaba 1.40 JA, Catto 0.5.2

All CEDR games 381.115 download  ๐Ÿ’พ 190 games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

P Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Spaghet MariNNara 1.0 2400 18.5 / 19 +87 (+18 -0 =1)
2: Bagatur 5.1a 3086 18.0 / 19 +11 (+18 -1 =0)
3: Thrawn 2.1 2400 16.0 / 19 +63 (+15 -2 =2)
4: Javelin 3.0.0 2400 14.5 / 19 +48 (+14 -4 =1)
5: Py-goratschinchess 1.1 JA 2400 14.5 / 19 +48 (+14 -4 =1)
6: Kimbo 1.0.0 2547 14.0 / 19 +8 (+14 -5 =0)
7: Bread Engine 1.0.0 2400 13.0 / 19 +32 (+12 -5 =2)
8: Habu 1.0 JA 2400 11.0 / 19 +13 (+9 -6 =4)
9: Goldfish 1.13.0 JA 2400 11.0 / 19 +13 (+10 -7 =2)
10: Cdrill-2000 2212 9.5 / 19 +44 (+9 -9 =1)
11: Topas 1.3.3 2400 9.5 / 19 -2 (+9 -9 =1)
12: Akira CE 1.1.2 2400 7.5 / 19 -23 (+6 -10 =3)
13: Dodecahedron 0.0.12 JA 2400 7.0 / 19 -27 (+6 -11 =2)
14: Chessrikus 1.466 JA 2400 6.5 / 19 -32 (+5 -11 =3)
15: Piglet 1.3.6 2400 5.0 / 19 -48 (+5 -14 =0)
16: Magog 1.0 2400 4.5 / 19 -51 (+4 -14 =1)
17: Mcu-max 1.0.5 1233 3.5 / 19 +13 (+2 -14 =3)
18: Phalp 22032400 JA 2400 3.5 / 19 -63 (+1 -13 =5)
19: Alibaba 1.40 JA 2400 3.0 / 19 -67 (+2 -15 =2)
20: Catto 0.5.2 2400 0.0 / 19 -97 (+0 -19 =0)

All tables with the results of the league of the best CEDR TOP-64 chess engines and the league of amateur and new engine versions are posted on a special website: League.
