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HypnoS 140724 and Marauders 3.7 wins New Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.07.20

HypnoS 140724 and Marauders 3.7 win a large chess engine test tournament (over 800 games). In third place is Stockfish 16.1, the official version.

Noteworthy is the good result of the PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA engine.

381.115 games download (01.07.2024) 

πŸ’Ύ 812 (!) games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Alexander 1.3540893654026.85.857.6332.9
Alexandria 7.0.0301154102627.55.654.6303.7
Arasan 24.2.2335749608026.36.843.6295.3
Aurora 1.16.2429838848.55.150.2256.7
Bagatur 5.1a1902842813.06.736.9246.0
Berserk 13434478988230.55.557.9318.7
Caissa 1.195655100786928.65.653.7301.2
CiorapBot 0.366515798119.14.246.9197.6
CorChess 20240712228038575027.65.952.3309.3
Fat Fritz 2488589490830.45.552.8288.4
HypnoS 140724228338454529.65.951.9308.0
Javelin 3.0.02724672212.45.843.1251.2
JigSaw 5.9233039410032.05.948.2285.2
KnightX 4.1261944788316.35.844.1257.6
Kookaburra 3.00246543186731.95.751.3292.8
Lambergar 0.6.068711888619.05.855.8322.5
Lizard 10.5254546665923.85.561.5335.3
Marauders 3.7214136417431.05.953.5314.5
Molybdenum 3495292121318.15.451.0273.9
Nalwald 19376064757625.45.853.0307.6
Obsidian 13.0520187889728.05.954.7323.7
Odonata 0.9.0164429236918.25.650.1281.8
Patricia 3418273170021.35.755.8318.9
PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA333359393029.55.655.2309.7
Princhess 0.18.06925117200012.35.953.0313.2
Sirius 7.0475378947627.36.050.7305.416
Stockfish 16.1266648918329.75.556.2306.1
Stockfish 20240711 Ivec257042895129.56.051.6309.4
Vengeance 3.1.0 JA208138379117.45.449.6268.71
