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New chess engine: Serendipity 0.3.1 (java)


Serendipity, an UCI chess engine written in Java.
Author - Xu-shawn

Three new usability features:

Resizable Hash
WDL Output
Eval Normalization
Thanks to work from the Stockfish team, Serendipity's evaluation has now been fit to a Win-Draw-Loss probability model. As a result, not only has Serendipity gained the ability to predict the probability of winning, drawing, or losing a position under testing conditions, but Serendipity's centipawn output has also been normalized. In other words, Serendipity's evaluation output has been rescaled in such a way that 100 centipawns represent 50% expected win rate at testing conditions. This will make Serendipity's evaluation more comparable to other engines who has adopted similar normalization schemes.

To run Serendipity, install the Java Runtime Environment (version >= 17), and make sure that the JRE is under system path. Then, run the program either through directly running the exe or through the command java -jar Serendipity-0.3.1.jar.

Serendipity 0.1 results:

Sloth 1.72/2+22 Partii
Tcheran 2.22/2+22 Partii
Zagreus 5.02/2+22 Partii
Victoire 1.3.02/2+22 Partii
Cadabra 2.0.12/2+22 Partii
Yakka 1.02/2+22 Partii
Akimbo 1.0.01/2+02 Partii
Critter 1.6a1/2+02 Partii
Clarity 6.0.01/2+02 Partii
Arasan 24.20.5/2-12 Partii
Rebel 16.30.5/2-12 Partii
Vafra 14.12.1 Stockfish0.5/2-12 Partii
Peacekeeper 2.400.5/2-12 Partii
Obsidian 12.00/2-22 Partii
Berserk 130/2-22 Partii
Clover 6.1.190/2-22 Partii
Caissa 1.180/2-22 Partii
Alexander 1.10/2-22 Partii
Velvet 7.3.00/2-22 Partii
Delocto 0.70.5/1+01 Partii

Windows executable & jar file.


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