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JigSaw 5.9 wins New Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.07.13

That's exciting news for the chess engine community! 
JigSaw 5.9 must have shown some impressive performance to take the top spot. It's also interesting to see Killfish 280624 and SF-PB 060724 tying for second and third place. These tournaments really highlight the advancements and competitiveness in chess engine development. Are you following any particular engine or tournament closely?

All CEDR 381.115 games download (01.07.2024, 3'+3") 

πŸ’Ύ 756 (!) games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

P Engine Score +/-/=
1: JigSaw 5.9 43.5 / 54 (+33 -0 =21)
2: Killfish 280624 43.0 / 54 (+32 -0 =22)
3: SF PB 060724 43.0 / 54 (+32 -0 =22)
4: SF-PRO 05.07.2024 42.0 / 54 (+30 -0 =24)
5: Kookaburra 3.00 41.5 / 54 (+29 -0 =25)
6: Stockfish 16.1 41.0 / 54 (+28 -0 =26)
7: Beast 15 MPV 40.5 / 54 (+27 -0 =27)
8: Obsidian 13.0 JA 40.5 / 54 (+30 -3 =21)
9: Alexandria 7.0.0 40.0 / 54 (+28 -2 =24)
10: PlentyChess 2.1.0 39.0 / 54 (+28 -4 =22)
11: Fat Fritz 2 38.5 / 54 (+26 -3 =25)
12: Caissa 1.19 38.5 / 54 (+27 -4 =23)
13: PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA 37.5 / 54 (+26 -5 =23)
14: Motor 0.6.0 33.0 / 54 (+25 -13 =16)
15: Midnight 9 26.0 / 54 (+21 -23 =10)
16: Stash 35.26 JA 24.0 / 54 (+20 -26 =8)
17: Princhess 0.18.0 20.0 / 54 (+15 -29 =10)
18: Critter 1.6a 19.5 / 54 (+15 -30 =9)
19: Sirius 7.0 19.0 / 54 (+17 -33 =4)
20: Odonata 0.9.0 18.0 / 54 (+13 -31 =10)
21: Bagatur 5.1 16.0 / 54 (+11 -33 =10)
22: Simbelmyne 1.9.0 14.0 / 54 (+11 -37 =6)
23: Lambergar 0.6.0 13.5 / 54 (+10 -37 =7)
24: Javelin 2.0.0 7.0 / 54 (+6 -46 =2)
25: Roc2 2.0.1 6.5 / 54 (+5 -46 =3)
26: Habu 1.0 JA 5.0 / 54 (+4 -48 =2)
27: Tcheran 2.4 3.5 / 54 (+2 -49 =3)
28: Sloth 1.9 2.5 / 54 (+1 -50 =3)
