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Chess engine: Obsidian 13 JA SSE4

Obsidian, an UCI chess engine written in c++
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3705

Obsidian 12.29 - results:
Alexandria 7.0.030/61-161 Games
Berserk 1331.5/60+360 Games
Caissa 1.1831/54+854 Games
RubiChess 2024011230/52+852 Games
Uralochka 3.41a JA26/45+745 Games
Peacekeeper 3.0029/44+1444 Games
Clover 6.225/42+842 Games
Ethereal 14.2521.5/42+142 Games
Titan 1.1.024/40+840 Games
PlentyChess 2.0.020/36+436 Games
Chess-System-Tal-219/30+830 Games
PlentyChess 1.0.015/30+030 Games
Lizard 10.417/27+727 Games
Starzix 5.013.5/25+225 Games
Steel Fighter 211.5/24-124 Games
Wasp 7.0016.5/21+1221 Games
Viridithas Games
Seer Games
Clarity 7.0.010/18+218 Games
Titan 1.0.010/18+218 Games
Igel Games

I did not beat Dragon 3.3 yet, but there is a big Elo gap from 12.0, so I decided to still put a checkpoint here.
As always, bigger and stronger neural network, refined search algorithm, and speed enhancements.

Obsidian 13.0 vs Obsidian 12.0 (STC)
Elo   | 44.81 +- 5.38 (95%)
Conf  | 10.0+0.10s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
Games | N: 8062 W: 2545 L: 1511 D: 4006
Penta | [14, 613, 1832, 1469, 103]

Obsidian 13.0 vs Obsidian 12.0 (LTC)
Elo   | 37.44 +- 8.77 (95%)
Conf  | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 3000 W: 906 L: 584 D: 1510
Penta | [0, 206, 773, 514, 7]


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