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Winter 4.0 JA wins 4 League Chess Engines Diary, CEDR 2024.07.11

4 League of chess engines TOP-64 CEDR. The Winter 4.0 JA engine won a beautiful victory. In place 2 is the Pedone 3.1 engine and in place 3 is the Renegade 1.1.0 engine.

Engines that took places from 13 to 16 are relegated from TOP-64 to amateur leagues.

๐Ÿ‘Promotion: Winter 4.0 JA, Pedone 3.1, Renegade 1.1.0

๐Ÿ‘ŽRelegated: Halogen 11, Avalanche 2.1.0, Saturn 1.3, Frozenight 6.0.0

All CEDR 381.115 games download (01.07.2024, 3'+3") 

๐Ÿ’พ 240 games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Avalanche 2.1.07770155625826.95.072.5362.0
Counter 5.521510433967325.05.079.4393.6
Devre 5.0000.
Frozenight 6.0.027794582424431.34.892.1439.71
Gogobello 3.010905201905425.55.464.2346.8
Halogen 1131471618297729.85.176.5389.61
Lifish 1.017928556156031.73.272.6234.1
LTChess 9.312306240266430.45.175.6387.0
Mr Bob 1.3.09415211000527.54.577.0343.7
Pedone 3.121188425694641.95.073.5366.0
Renegade 1.1.0409890148832.94.590.6412.0
Saturn 1.35683113257023.25.073.2367.34
Toga IV 1.1 JA14840360074732.44.191.8378.2
Tucano 11.19 JA12788272571829.54.785.8402.7
Weiss 2.1 JA29504557617331.65.374.0391.4
Winter 4.0 JA12836250903434.55.173.2374.3

League CEDR - TOP-64 (and group A01 Amateur Engines):

League – strongest chess engines CEDR TOP 64 (3’+3”)
1 League Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1. Stockfish 20240703 Ivec 3768 18.5 / 30
2. ShashChess 35.3 3755 17.5 / 30
3. Corchess 20240703 3776 17.0 / 30
4. Obsidian 13 3705 16.5 / 30
5. Berserk 13 3709 15.5 / 30
6. Alexandria 7.0.0 3690 15.0 / 30
7. SugaR Al SE 3741 15.0 / 30
8. Dragon 3.3 3719 15.0 / 30
9. Koivisto 9.20 Impan 3617 14.5 / 30
10. Caissa 1.19 3681 14.5 / 30
11. Seer 2.8.0 3643 14.0 / 30
12. Clover 6.2 3656 14.0 / 30
13. Rofchade 3.1 3627 13.5 / 30
14. RubiChess 20240112 3660 13.5 / 30 relegation
15. Dragon free 3623 13.0 / 30 relegation
16. Chess-System-Tal-NNUE-2 3649 13.0 / 30 relegation

2 League Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1. Lc0 0.31 3704 17.5 / 30 promotion
2. Lizard 10.4 3628 16.5 / 30 promotion
3. Velvet 7.3.0 3588 16.5 / 30 promotion
4. Viridithas 13.0.0 3556 16.0 / 30
5. Fire 7.3 3582 16.0 / 30
6. Booot 7.3 3545 15.5 / 30
7. Igel 3.5.5 JA 3612 15.5 / 30
8. Starzix 5.0 NNUE 3613 14.5 / 30
9. Tenax 1.0 3508 14.5 / 30
10. Peacekeeper 3.01 3608 14.5 / 30
11. Willow 4.0 3512 14.5 / 30
12. Arasan 24.2.2 3621 14.5 / 30
13. Stormphrax 5.0.0 3556 14.0 / 30
14. Akimbo 1.0.0 3540 14.0 / 30 relegation
15. Altair 7.0.3 JA 3556 14.0 / 30 relegation
16. Wasp 7.00 3493 12.0 / 30 relegation

3 League Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1. Slowchess 2.9 3559 19.5 / 30 promotion
2. Pawn 3.0 3490 19.0 / 30 promotion
3. Texel 1.11 3497 18.5 / 30 promotion
4. Minic 3.41 3521 17.0 / 30
5. Superultra 2.0 NNUE 3506 16.5 / 30
6. Komodo 14.1 *free 3446 16.5 / 30
7. Rice 8.0 3492 15.5 / 30
8. Marvin 6.3.0 3459 15.5 / 30
9. Midnight v9 3458 15.0 / 30
10. Cheng4 0.48 3382 14.0 / 30
11. Smallbrain 7.0 NNUE 3440 14.0 / 30
12. Nemorino 6.00 3460 13.5 / 30
13. StockDory Starfish 0.1 3357 12.5 / 30
14. Black Core 6.0 3425 12.0 / 30 relegation
15. Stash 35.26 JA 3367 11.5 / 30 relegation
16. Xiphos 0.6.1 JA 3360 9.5 / 30 relegation

4 League Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1. Winter 4.0 JA 3420 21.0 / 30 promotion
2. Pedone 3.1 3454 17.5 / 30 promotion
3. Renegade 1.1.0 3428 17.5 / 30 promotion
4. MrBob 1.3.0 3317 16.5 / 30
5. Tucano 11.19 JA 3425 16.0 / 30
6. Toga IV 1.1 JA 3369 15.5 / 30
7. Counter 5.5 3367 15.5 / 30
8. Weiss 2.1 JA 3344 15.5 / 30
9. Devre 5.0 3395 14.0 / 30
10. Gogobello 3.0 3318 14.0 / 30
11. LTChess 9.3 3395 14.0 / 30
12. Lifish 1.0 NNUE 3257 14.0 / 30
13. Halogen 11 3418 13.5 / 30 relegation
14. Avalanche 2.1.0 3369 13.5 / 30 relegation
15. Saturn 1.3 3406 11.5 / 30 relegation
16. Frozenight 6.0.0 3339 10.5 / 30 relegation

Eliminations – Amateurs an new engines (3’+3”)
A-01 Edition 05/2024 Rating Score note
1 Reckless 0.6.0 3158

2 Drofa 4.1.1 JA 3285

3 Combusken 2.0 3264

4 Kuma 1.2 3275

5. Little Goliath 3.17 3322

6. Leorik 3.0 2993

7. Nalwald 18 3306

8. Zahak 10.0 3324

9. GreKo 2021.08 NNUE 3300

10. Danasah 9.1 NNUE 3266

11. Pedantic 1.1.0 3124

12. Flounder 3210

13. Svart 6.0.0 JA 3281

14. Mittens 0.9 3177

15. Expositor 4WR02 3389

16. Motor 0.6.0 2786

17 Nirvanachess 2.5 3193

18 RukChess 3.0.19 3331

19 Zangdar 2.29.01 2954

20 Wahoo 4.0.0 3118
