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HypnoS 220624 wins CEDR Swiss Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary 2024.07.13-14

The test tournament using the Swiss system was won by the HypnoS 220624 chess engine. The Corchess 20240703 engine won the same number of points.

Tournaments played using the Swiss system are less reliable due to fewer games, but you can quickly test new versions of chess engines.

381.115 games download (01.07.2024, 3'+3") 

๐Ÿ’พ 90 games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Aquarium

P Engines CEDR Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chg +/-/=
1: HypnoS 220624 3761 6.0 / 9 7w= 8b= 9w+ 14b+ 5w+ 2b= 3w= 6b= 4w= +4 (+3 -0 =6)
2: CorChess 20240703 3769 6.0 / 9 9w+ 5w= 4b= 6b= 13w+ 1w= 7b= 3b= 10w+ +2 (+3 -0 =6)
3: Yuliana 5.0 3700 5.5 / 9 15b+ 6w+ 12b= 4w= 7w= 8b= 1b= 2w= 5b= +8 (+2 -0 =7)
4: Lc0 0.31.0 3704 5.5 / 9 16w+ 10b= 2w= 3b= 6w= 5w= 13b+ 7w= 1b= +4 (+2 -0 =7)
5: Kookaburra 3.00 3754 5.5 / 9 13w+ 2b= 7w= 11w+ 1b- 4b= 12w= 14b+ 3w= -8 (+3 -1 =5)
6: JigSaw 5.9 3760 5.5 / 9 19w+ 3b- 10w+ 2w= 4b= 12b= 8w+ 1w= 7b= +0 (+3 -1 =5)
7: SF-PRO 05.07.2024 3761 5.5 / 9 1b= 18w+ 5b= 12w+ 3b= 10w= 2w= 4b= 6w= +0 (+2 -0 =7)
8: SF PB 060724 3758 5.5 / 9 18b= 1w= 15b= 10w= 11b+ 3w= 6b- 13w+ 12w+ -13 (+3 -1 =5)
9: Motor 0.6.0 2400 5.5 / 9 2b- 16w+ 1b- 17w+ 12b= 13b- 15w+ 20w+ 19b+ +34 (+5 -3 =1)
10: Fat Fritz 2 3699 5.0 / 9 14w+ 4w= 6b- 8b= 16w+ 7b= 11w+ 12b= 2b- -7 (+3 -2 =4)
11: Sirius 7.0 3113 5.0 / 9 20b+ 12w- 17w+ 5b- 8w- 19b+ 10b- 16w+ 18b+ +10 (+5 -4 =0)
12: Fire 9.3 3582 4.5 / 9 17w+ 11b+ 3w= 7b- 9w= 6w= 5b= 10w= 8b- -2 (+2 -2 =5)
13: Spaghet MariNNara 1.0 2400 4.5 / 9 5b- 14w= 18b+ 15w+ 2b- 9w+ 4w- 8b- 20b+ +25 (+4 -4 =1)
14: Nalwald 19 3315 4.5 / 9 10b- 13b= 19w+ 1w- 17b+ 15w+ 20b= 5w- 16b= -12 (+3 -3 =3)
15: Lambergar 0.6.0 2615 4.0 / 9 3w- 19b+ 8w= 13b- 20w+ 14b- 9b- 18w+ 17w= -2 (+3 -4 =2)
16: Zangdar 2.29.01 2956 4.0 / 9 4b- 9b- 20w+ 18w= 10b- 17w+ 19w+ 11b- 14w= -5 (+3 -4 =2)
17: Princhess 0.18.0 3215 3.5 / 9 12b- 20w+ 11b- 9b- 14w- 16b- 18w+ 19w+ 15b= -32 (+3 -5 =1)
18: Habu 1.0 JA 2400 2.0 / 9 8w= 7b- 13w- 16b= 19b- 20w+ 17b- 15b- 11w- -1 (+1 -6 =2)
19: Sloth 1.9 2338 2.0 / 9 6b- 15w- 14b- 20b+ 18w+ 11w- 16b- 17b- 9w- +3 (+2 -7 =0)
20: Javelin v2.0.0 2400 0.5 / 9 11w- 17b- 16b- 19w- 15b- 18b- 14w= 9b- 13w- -19 (+0 -8 =1)
