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Chess engine: Obsidian 15 JA

Obsidian, an UCI chess engine written in c++
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3740

This new version includes a few search patches and a new NNUE architecture, finally with layers.
I dropped support for pre-AVX2, but I might add it back if requested to.
For testers: if you tested 14.24, don't test 15.0, they are exactly the same.

Obsidian 15.0 vs 14.0 (LTC)

Elo   | 27.21 +- 4.01 (95%)
Conf  | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=128MB
Games | N: 7012 W: 2009 L: 1461 D: 3542
Penta | [7, 576, 1796, 1116, 11]

Obsidian 14.14 SE vs - other engines:
Integral v618/30+630 Games
PlentyChess 3.0.117/30+430 Games
RubiChess 2024081717/30+430 Games
Berserk 2024111915/30+030 Games
Caissa 1.2114.5/30-130 Games
Alexandria 7.1.014/30-230 Games

Neural network
Obsidian evaluates positions with a neural network trained on Lc0 data.

Jim Ablett compiles:
