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Dark SisTer v4 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, 2025.02.16)

After a short break, here are the results of another tournament of the strongest chess engines. The winner was the Dark SisTer v4 engine, in second place the Marauders 4.0 engine and places 3-4 were shared by the SpecTral v3 and SF-PRO2 05.02.2025 engines. More results soon on our website.

Chess Engines Diary Team

GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - 4 GM mvs book,  6TBs.

🕒🕒Time 3'+3"  960 tournaments games download  
💾 All games CEDR 576.727 games download (01.02.2025)  

P Engine Score (Tie) +/-/=
1: Dark SisTer v4 62.0 / 120 3710.75 (+4 -0 =116)
2: Marauders 4.0 61.5 / 120 3680.00 (+5 -2 =113)
3: SpecTral v3 61.0 / 120 3654.75 (+3 -1 =116)
4: SF-PRO2 05.02.2025 61.0 / 120 3654.50 (+2 -0 =118)
5: Stockfish 17 60.5 / 120 3628.25 (+1 -0 =119)
6: CorChess 20250119 60.5 / 120 3627.75 (+2 -1 =117)
7: ShashChess 38 60.5 / 120 3627.00 (+1 -0 =119)
8: Yuliana 6.0 60.5 / 120 3626.50 (+3 -2 =115)
9: JigSaw v6.0 60.5 / 120 3625.50 (+3 -2 =115)
10: Perelandra 2.0 60.0 / 120 3599.50 (+2 -2 =116)
11: Artemis 8TR 59.5 / 120 3572.00 (+1 -2 =117)
12: Stockfish dev-20250213 59.0 / 120 3544.00 (+0 -2 =118)
13: Killfish PB 090225 59.0 / 120 3541.50 (+3 -5 =112)
14: JudaS ++ 5.0 58.5 / 120 3514.50 (+1 -4 =115)
15: Raid 3.7 TR 58.0 / 120 3487.00 (+0 -4 =116)
16: YuliGM Strong X 58.0 / 120 3484.50 (+1 -5 =114)
