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New version chess engine: Sting sf Black Hole 9

Sting sf - UCI chess engine, Author: Marek Kwiatkowski
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3132

Sting sf Black Hole 8 vs other engines:
Arasan 25.02/22-1822 Partii
Patricia 4.04.5/20-1120 Partii
Fire 100/12-1212 Partii
Lizard 11.1.5 JA2.5/10-510 Partii
Uralochka 3.42 dev71/10-810 Partii
Monty 202412090.5/10-910 Partii
Texel 1.120.5/10-910 Partii
Obsidian 14.20 SE0.5/10-910 Partii
Equisetum 1.15 JA0/10-1010 Partii
Tucano 12.006/8+48 Partii
Heimdall Partii
Halogen 12.12.3 JA2/8-48 Partii
Integral v60.5/6-56 Partii
Jackal Partii
Lynx 1.8.02/4+04 Partii
EveAnn 2.22/4+04 Partii
Pingu 5.0.01/4-24 Partii
Akimbo 1.1.0 JA0/4-44 Partii
Mayhem 8.52/2+22 Partii
Tucano 122/2+22 Partii
LazySMP 9.02/2+22 Partii
