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Chess engine: Arcanum 2.5 (Windows, Linux and Android)

Arcanum is a free UCI chess engine under the MIT license. 
Author:Lars Aurud, Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2922

New architecture with 8 output buckets based on number of pieces on the board: 768->8x(512->16->1)
The layers are quantized to reduce the compute and memory load. The quantization is performed when the net is loaded.
The arcanum-net-v5.0.fnnue net is trained on the same dataset as arcanum-net-v4.0.fnnue, but performs better due to being larger and faster.
The net is embedded in the executable, so the arcanum-net-v5.0.fnnue file is not required to run the engine.
Use isPv to replace TT entries
Only set the exact flag for TT entries in PV-nodes
The engine is compiled with clang. All previous versions have been compiled using gcc.
Add support for using binpack to train NNUE nets. This was not used for training the v5 net.
Use specific sort algorithm (stable-sort) and random generator (mt19937) to avoid differences in the engine when using different compilers and stdlibs.
For Testers
Arcanum still does not support pondering.
Arcanum requires AVX2.
All builds are statically linked and should not require any libraries.
The default net is embedded in the executable, so arcanum-net-v5.0.fnnue does not need to be present to run the engine.
Elo Estimate
Arcanum v2.5 is estimated to be 95 Elo stronger than Arcanum v2.4 based on self play.

Self Play
Time control: 120s + 1s
Opening book: 8moves_v3.pgn
Tablebase: 5-man syzygy.

Score of v2.5 vs v2.4: 273 - 60 - 467 (Win - Loss - Draw)
v2.5 playing White 154 - 23 - 223
v2.5 playing Black: 119 - 37 - 244
Elo difference: 95 +/- 15, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 58.3 %

Arcanum 2.4 - results
Rhetoric Games
Critter 1.6a5.5/10+110 Games
Inanis 1.5.04/4+44 Games
Ivanhoe 663.5/4+34 Games
Seawall 202409263.5/4+34 Games
Py-Goratschinchess 1.1 JA2.5/4+14 Games
The Baron 3.452/4+04 Games
Rebel-EAS 2.00.5/4-34 Games
Euwe 2.0.02/2+22 Games
Colossus 2024a2/2+22 Games
Mayhem 8.52/2+22 Games
Vengeance 3.1.0 JA2/2+22 Games
Tcheran 5.02/2+22 Games
Cfish 13 JA2/2+22 Games
Nectar 0.2.12/2+22 Games
Clozza 1.02/2+22 Games
Dog 2.5 JA2/2+22 Games
Shallow 52/2+22 Games
Lynx 1.8.02/2+22 Games
Munchess 0.12/2+22 Games
Polonium 0.1.5 JA2/2+22 Games

