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Chess engine: Sloth 2.1

Sloth  - UCI chess engine  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2351
Author: Williamguttn

Sloth is a decent UCI chess engine made with C++, although significant parts of its source code are written in a C stylish code.
Sloth is a beginner project, and can therefore not be compared/matched against other powerful engines like Stockfish. It currently uses Hand Crafted Evaluation, but there are plans to implement NNUE evaluation in the future

What is this project based on?
Sloth is based on the [BBC chess engine]( made by [Maksym Korzh (Code Monkey King)]( He, alongside his engine, has brought me into a whole new world of chess. And for that, I will always be grateful. Without his knowledge, none of this would be possible.

v 2.1:
What's new?
#2 Greater compatibility thanks to contributors
Search optimizations
Move pondering
Code cleanup

Sloth 2.0 - results:
Molybdenum 4.00/15-1515 Games
Critter 1.6a0/11-1111 Games
RubiChess 202408170/10-1010 Games
Pedantic 2.0.00/10-1010 Games
Simbelmyne 1.10.00/9-99 Games
Mufasa 0.2.1 JA8/8+88 Games
Stellar Games
Bgrassy dev.5f18d51 JA6/6+66 Games
Kobol 1.15/6+46 Games
Zangdar 2.300/6-66 Games
Reckless 0.7.00/6-66 Games
Quanticade Aurora 0.80/6-66 Games
Quanticade 0.8 JA0/6-66 Games
YuliGM Strong 1808240/6-66 Games
Stockfish 20240820 Ivec0/6-66 Games
Throttle 3.2.24/5+35 Games
Peripheral Games
Freda 1.03/5+15 Games
Cyrano 0.6b17 JA0.5/5-45 Games
Javelin 3.0.00/5-55 Games
SF PB 2008240/5-55 Games
