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New chess engine: Clozza 1.0 JA

Author: Colin Jenkins

Clozzaclozza.js is a simplified version of my Javascript chess engine Lozza.
clozza.c is a line-for-line hand-crafted translation of clozza.js into C, including a 2 x 32 bit hash.  
Result of a match at 60+2:-
  Score of c vs js: 73 - 23 - 269  [0.568] 365
  ...      c playing White: 41 - 11 - 131  [0.582] 183
  ...      c playing Black: 32 - 12 - 138  [0.555] 182
  ...      White vs Black: 53 - 43 - 269  [0.514] 365
  Elo difference: 47.9 +/- 17.9, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 73.7 %
  SPRT: llr 2.97 (101.0%), lbound -2.94, ubound 2.94 - H1 was accepted

Jim Ablett
