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Today start - Stars Wars: The Clones Wars (Stockfish and derivatives tournament)

Today start - Stars Wars: The Clones Wars (Stockfish and derivatives tournament)

StarsWars: The Clones Wars – group 1
E-10 Season 01/2025 Rating Score note
1 Stockfish 17 3768.6

2 JigSaw 6.0 3766.2

3 Killfish PB 090225 3766.2

4 SpecTral 5 3764.8

5 CorChess 20250220 3764.1

6 SF PB 270225 3763.9

7 Sailfish 4.0 3763.7

8 SF-PRO2 05.02.2025 3763.6

9 Perelandra F-M 3763.2

10 YuliGM 19 3763.0

11 Stockfish 20250213 Ivec 3762.8

12 Polyfish 20240114 3762.7

13 Brainlearn 30 3762.6

14 Dark SisTer 5 3762.6

15 Yuliana 7.0 3762.4

16 HypnoS-plus 1.02 3762.1
