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JCR Tournament 03-07.10.2012c (Windows XP 32 bit)

JCR Tournament 03-07.10.2012c
01Houdini 2.0c Standard x3228.0/3873.6· ·==101==01=1111=1=110111011=11==1==1111
02Strelka 5.5 26.0/3868.4==· ·00=1==1=11====1=1=10=1==11111===1111
03Houdini 1.5a x32 24.5/3864.40111· ·00101==1==1==1=1=1110=001=1=11==11
04Rybka 4.1 x32 24.0/3863.10==011· ·==0=00=10=11===1=1=011=111111=11
05Tactico 3350b ProLG x32 23.5/3861.8=1==01==· ·====1==10==1===1=0===1011=1111
06Ivanhoe B47f0.2 x32 22.0/3857.80=0=0=1===· ·=====1=0====1===11111=1==110
07Critter 1.6a x32 21.5/3856.50000=011====· ·=1=10====1=1===1===11==1=1
08Fire 2.2 xTreme x32 21.5/3856.500=====00====0· ·===1==1110===1011==11111
09Tankist 3.1 x32 19.5/3851.3=0==0=1==0=0=0==· ·1==01===1==1==01==11==
10IvanHoe 47c+ GH w32 19.5/3851.3=00==0001==11==00=· ·10=1=111=001011===1=
11ComStock 1.0.2a 19.0/3850.0010==0===0=======101· ·=0=====1=001=1=11=
12DamirsRybkaKiller 77 18.5/3848.60001=0=0=====0000==0=1· ·===1==111111=01=
13Stockfish 2.3.1 x32 17.5/3846.001=000=0=00==001===0====· ·1=0=11==101=11
14Komodo 5 x32 17.0/3844.700==1==1=1======0=00===00=· ·1=1=1==00001
15Gull II beta2 16.5/3843.4=0001100==00=0=0=0=1=0==1=0=· ·0101=11110
16DeepSaros 3.2 x32 15.5/3840.70=000==0=000==10==10=100000=10· ·=1111101
17Hiarcs 2011 WCSC 14.5/3838.1=00=0=00100==00=10101000==0=10=0· ·=11==1
18Chiron 1.1 12.0/3831.5====00000=0=0==0==0==00001=1=000=0· ·=101
19Hannibal1.2 x32 11.0/3828.90000==0=00=0=00000===0=10=1100000==0· ·11
20Spark 1.0 x32 8.5/3822.3000000000001=000==0=0=0=00100110=01000· ·

Level: Blitz 5/0  Hardware: Intel Celeron 3.46GHz 3467 system: Windows XP 32 bit book: Perfect 2012
All games (pgn file) download   Table created with: Arena 3.0
