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Jurek Chess Engines Rating - Houdini 4 wins test tournament 22-24.08.2014

JCER Test Tournament, 2014.08.22 - 2014.08.24

P Engines Score Ho St Ko Fi Cr Ho Cr De St Ko Ma Pa Bo Co De
1: Houdini 4 x64 19.5 / 28 X 10 =1 01 == =1 1= 11 =1 =1 1= == 1= == 11
2: Stockfish 200714 64 17.0 / 28 01 X =0 01 == =0 == 1= == 1= =1 1= 11 1= =1
3: Komodo 7a 64-bit 16.5 / 28 =0 =1 X =1 =1 01 10 == 1= 0= 1= == == =1 =1
4: Fire 3.0 x64 15.5 / 28 10 10 =0 X =1 =0 == == =1 1= == == =1 1= 01
5: Critter 1.6a 64-bit 15.5 / 28 == == =0 =0 X == == =0 10 1= == 11 =1 1= =1
6: Houdini 1.5a x64 15.0 / 28 =0 =1 10 =1 == X == == 1= =1 01 00 =1 == 01
7: Critter 1.4 64-bit 15.0 / 28 0= == 01 == == == X == 00 == == 1= =1 =1 11
8: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 15.0 / 28 00 0= == == =1 == == X =0 == == 1= =1 1= 11
9: Strelka 6 w32 14.0 / 28 =0 == 0= =0 01 0= 11 =1 X 01 == == == 1= 01
10: Komodo 7 64-bit 14.0 / 28 =0 0= 1= 0= 0= =0 == == 10 X =0 =1 1= 11 =1
11: Mars 2.1 x64 13.5 / 28 0= =0 0= == == 10 == == == =1 X == == == =1
12: PanChess 00.611 x64 13.5 / 28 == 0= == == 00 11 0= 0= == =0 == X == =1 11
13: Bouquet 1.8 x64 11.0 / 28 0= 00 == =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 == 0= == == X 1= 11
14: ComStock 3 x64 8.0 / 28 == 0= =0 0= 0= == =0 0= 0= 00 == =0 0= X =0
15: Deep Hiarcs 14 WCSC 7.0 / 28 00 =0 =0 10 =0 10 00 00 10 =0 =0 00 00 =1 X
210 games download,  Temp: 3' + 3"  Hardware: Intel Core i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz z 3,9 GB ram 
system: Windows 8.1 Home Edition 64 bit, Table created: Scid vs PC,  GUI:Fritz 14 book: Perfect 2014c
