Stockfish - chess engines UCI
Previous version chess engine Stockfish
Author compilation - Guenther Demetz
Previous version chess engine Stockfish
Author compilation - Guenther Demetz
Information on the compilation:
Timestamp: 1453154678
Depth margin parameter-tweak in TT-save
Verified that is improvement with multiple threads:
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,4.00] sprt @ 30+0.3 th 3
Total: 14817 W: 2103 L: 1915 D: 10799
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,4.00] sprt @ 15+0.15 th 7
Total: 10264 W: 1498 L: 1321 D: 7445
Verified that is not a significant regression with a single thread:
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [-4.00,0.00] sprt @ 60+0.6 th 1
Total: 23975 W: 3294 L: 3210 D: 17471
Resolves #575
300 games played / Tournament is finished
ReplyDeleteName of the tournament: Stockfish7 - komodo 9.3x64 5' 5''- 300 games
Level: Blitz 5/5
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz with 3,9 GB Memory
1: Stockfish 7 x64 156,5/300
==101==010======1==1=1=0=01===0==111==1=100===111=11=0===0=0=====110==0==01======0=0====1===1=1==1====0===0=111=0==========0========0=====0=====10=====1=====1==00=01=00==1==1==11=1=01==1=0==0=1=1====1=======0===0===========0=1==10==10=010===1=======0==1=1===1=1===1===1=00=====1====1=1==01========010 22457,
2: Komodo-9.3-64bit 143,5/300 ==010==101======0==0=0=1=10===1==000==0=011===000=00=1===1=1=====001==1==10======1=1====0===0=0==0====1===1=000=1==========1========1=====1=====01=====0=====0==11=10=11==0==0==00=0=10==0=1==1=0=0====0=======1===1===========1=0==01==01=101===0=======1==0=0===0=0===0===0=11=====0====0=0==10========101 22457,
PGN DOWNLOAD:'+5''-++300+games.pgn