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Stockfish 17030603 - new version!

Stockfish, chess engine UCI
Leader rating list JCER = 3406

πŸ”¬ Author: snicolet

Timestamp: 1488766827 

Speed-up some arrays reading 

This patch removes the empty rows at the beginning and at the end of MobilityBonus[] and Protector[] arrays: 

• reducing the size of MobilityBonus from 768 bytes to 512 bytes 
• reducing the size of Protector from 1024 to 512 bytes 

Also adds some comments and cleaner code for the arrays in pawns.cpp 

No speed penalty (measured speed-up of 0.4%). 
No functional change. 

Closes #1018

⭐⭐⭐   Stockfish 17030603 - download
