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Stockfish 17040802_joergoster - new version!

Stockfish, chess engine UCI
Leader rating list JCER = 3405
πŸ”¬ Author: joergoster 


Timestamp: 1491610500 

Fix zugzwang pruning issues 

By adding pos.non_pawn_material(pos.side_to_move()) as a precondition in step 13, which is already in use in Futility Pruning (child node) and Null Move Pruning for similar reasons. 

Pawn endgames, especially those with only 1 or 2 pawns, are simply heavily influenced by zugzwang situations. 

Since we are using a bitbase for KPK endgames, I see no reason to accept buggy evals as shown in #760 

Patch looks neutral at STC 
LLR: 2.32 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00] 
Total: 79580 W: 10789 L: 10780 D: 58011 

and LTC 
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00] 
Total: 27071 W: 3502 L: 3390 D: 20179 

Bench: 6259071 

Closes #1051 
Closes #760  

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