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Stockfish 17042020 - new version!

Stockfish, chess engine UCI
Leader rating list JCER = 3405
πŸ”¬ Author: Joost VandeVondele 


Timestamp: 1492712341 

Partial insertion sort the order of elements returned by std::partition is implementation defined (since not stable) and could depend on the version of libstdc++ linked. 
As std::stable_partition was tested to be too slow ( 
Instead combine partition with our custom implementation of insert_sort, which fixes this issue. 
Implementation based on a patch by mstembera (, which suggests some benefit by itself. 
Higher depth moves are all sorted (INT_MIN version), as in current master. 

LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00] 
Total: 33116 W: 6161 L: 6061 D: 20894 

LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00] 
Total: 88703 W: 11572 L: 11540 D: 65591 

Bench: 6256522 

Closes #1058 
Closes #1065  

⭐⭐⭐   Stockfish 17042020 - download
