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Stockfish 17062123 - new version!

Stockfish, chess engine UCI

Leader rating list JCER = 3372
πŸ”¬ Author: snicolet

Timestamp: 1498078919 

Improve readability of evaluation functions 

This patch puts the evaluation helper functions inside EvalInfo struct, which simplifies a bit their signature and (most importantly, IMHO) makes their C++ code much cleaner and simpler to read (by removing the "ei." qualifiers all around in evaluate.cpp). 

Also rename the EvalInfo struct into Evaluation class to get a natural invocation v = Evaluation(p).value() to evaluation position p. 

The downside is an increase of 20 lines in evaluate.cpp (for the prototypes of the helper functions). The upsides are better readability and a speed-up of 0.6% (by generating all the helpers for the NO_TRACE case together, which helps the instruction cache). 

No functional change 
Closes #1135 

⭐⭐⭐   Stockfish 17062123 - download
