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Stockfish 17070307b - new version!

Stockfish, chess engine UCI

Leader rating list JCER = 3372
πŸ”¬ Author: Marco Costalba 

Timestamp: 1499058131 

Fix some warnings with clang static analyzer 

Only one remains (also in tbprobe.cpp), but is bougus. 

As a side note, tbprobe.cpp is almost clean, only the last 3 
functions probe_wdl(), root_probe() and root_probe_wdl() 
are still the original ones and are quite hacky. 

Somewhere in the future we will reformat also the last 3 ones. The reason why has not been done before it is because these functions are really wrong by design and should be rewritten entirely, not only reformatted. 

No functional change. 
Closes #1160 

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