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Stockfish 17070823 - new version!

Stockfish, chess engine UCI

Leader rating list JCER = 3353
πŸ”¬ Author: GuardianRM 

Timestamp: 1499548454 

Queen vs. Minors imbalance 

Addition of correction values in case of Imbalance of queens,
depending on the number of light pieces on the side without a queen. 

Passed patch: 

LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,5.00] 
Total: 29036 W: 5379 L: 5130 D: 18527 

LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,5.00] 
Total: 13680 W: 1836 L: 1674 D: 10170 

Bench: 6258930 
Closes #1155 

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