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Only for donors added: 49 chess engines and book

Only for sponsors added 49 chess engines (folder: ChessEnginesFree):
asmFish 2017-08-05, asmFish 2017-08-10, asmFish 2017-08-14, BrainFish 170820, CFish 110817, chess22k 1.5, Dimitri 3.61, EnkoChess 030817, EnkoChess 190817, EnkoChess 230817, Ethereal 8.24, gnuchess 6.2.5, Nirvanachess 2.4, Raubfisch ME262 GTZ14e, Raubfisch X35c, Raubfisch X35f, Roc 0.9, RomiChess P3m, ruydos 10082017, sayuri r2017.08.19, SF170810vk_ASM, Sf-Zander.080817, shallow 1.0.2, Shark 170815 bf, stockfish 17081011, stockfish 17081019, stockfish 17081019_Costalba, stockfish 17081019_Costalba2, stockfish 17081019_VandeVondele, stockfish_17081021, stockfish 17081107, stockfish 17081211, stockfish 17081313, stockfish 17081314, stockfish 17081508, stockfish 17081709, stockfish 17081710, stockfish 17081711, stockfish 17081723, stockfish 17081811_x6, stockfish 17081913, stockfish 17081914, stockfish 17082210, stockfish 17082609, stockfish 17082609_Nicolet, stockfish 17082609_VandeVondele, Supra 25.0, ThinksFish.1.03b, Zevra 1.6 r497.

Book: Cerebellum light 170819.
