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Today starts - 2nd league JCER (edition 05/2017)

Zurichess luzern Manuel Diaz2644
DisasterArea 1.65 Jochen Peussner2752
Amoeba 2.5 Richard Delorme2664
Gaviota 1.0 Miguel A.Ballicora2801
EXchess 7.97b Dan Homan2779
Maxima2 2.0.0 r395 Hof & Hajeweit2579
Cheng4 0.39 Martin Sedlak2849
Murka 3  2693
Rhetoric 1.4.3 Alberto Sanjuan2622
Dirty 30APR2017 Pradu Kannan+Andres Valverde2717
TheBaron 3.29 Richard Pijl2584
Toga II 280513 Thomas Gaksch & Fabien Letouzey2736
Tornado 8 Engin รœstรผn2690
Atlas 3.80 Andres Manzanares2703
Discocheck 5.2.1 Lucas Braesch2710
Nemo 1.01 beta Michael Hoffman2694
Octochess r5506 HK Tim Kosse2685
Daydreamer 2.0.0 Aaron Becker2757
BorodinoChess 1.0 x32Alex Kutuzoff2577
K2 0.87 Sergey Meus2405
Donna 4.0 Michael Dvorkin2435
Deuterium Mosca2726
