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Chess engine: Alouette 0.0.4

Alouette - UCI chess engine written in Pascal.
Author: Roland Chastain *  Rating CEDR=1228
The engine in CedR tests played only 19 games. End of tests due to low engine level.

Alouette is a UCI chess engine able to play Fischer Random Chess. It was initially a programming exercise around bitboards.
It is not a very formidable opponent. You should manage to beat him easily.

Opening book
Since the version 0.1.0, the engine uses an opening book. The book is in the format described by Kathe Spracklen.
This format has been previously used by Marc-Philippe Huget in his engine La Dame Blanche.

Alouette understands (a part of) the UCI protocol, plus some custom commands. To see a list of all available commands, run Alouette and type help.

Random mode
If you call the engine with the option -r (or --random), it will play pure random moves.

Alouette 0.0.4 - download
All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

* Roland Chastain,
a French computer chess programmer, and author a various open source chess engines and utilities, and the Eschecs GUI - most programs and engines written in Pascal.
