Absolute-Zero UCI chess engine Rating JCER=1954
Author: Zheng Li
Absolute Zero is a bitboard chess engine written in C#. It was developed from scratch to learn about chess programming and game tree searching. By default it runs with its own GUI but it supports the UCI protocol when given the -u command-line parameter. While in UCI/command-line mode it also accepts commands such as perft and divide.
General features:
Runs with own GUI by default
Runs in UCI/command-line mode with -u argument
Provides analysis mode with multi PV in the GUI
Accepts perft and divide commands in command-line mode
Bitboard chess engine that runs in 64-bit when possible
Search features:
Principal variation search
Iterative deepening
Transposition table
Null move heuristic
Killer move heuristic
MVV/LVA heuristic
Futility pruning
Late move reductions
Quiescence search with SEE
Draw detection
Mate distance pruning
Time control heuristics
Multi PV
Evaluation features:
Phase interpolation
Piece-square tables
Mobility evaluation
Pawn structure evaluation
Simple capture evaluation
Absolute-Zero download
Author: Zheng Li
Absolute Zero is a bitboard chess engine written in C#. It was developed from scratch to learn about chess programming and game tree searching. By default it runs with its own GUI but it supports the UCI protocol when given the -u command-line parameter. While in UCI/command-line mode it also accepts commands such as perft and divide.
General features:
Runs with own GUI by default
Runs in UCI/command-line mode with -u argument
Provides analysis mode with multi PV in the GUI
Accepts perft and divide commands in command-line mode
Bitboard chess engine that runs in 64-bit when possible
Search features:
Principal variation search
Iterative deepening
Transposition table
Null move heuristic
Killer move heuristic
MVV/LVA heuristic
Futility pruning
Late move reductions
Quiescence search with SEE
Draw detection
Mate distance pruning
Time control heuristics
Multi PV
Evaluation features:
Phase interpolation
Piece-square tables
Mobility evaluation
Pawn structure evaluation
Simple capture evaluation
Absolute-Zero download
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