SlowChess - winboard/UCI chess engine
Author - Jonathan Kreuzer Rating JCER=3002
SlowChess Classic 2.0 for Windows (64-bit):
slow64.exe is faster, but if it doesn't run on an older cpu try slow64_noPop.exe
Analyze mode to suggest the best move for any position, or moves in multi-variation move
Winboard and UCI support, so you can use it outside its own GUI. more
Multi-threaded search support for all interfaces (defaults off. Search->threads in own GUI)
Chess 960 support in own GUI and UCI mode. (also known as Fischer Random)
Adjustable search options. Hashtable, pondering, (*personalities not yet supported in Classic).
Difficulty Level by time per move, number of ply, or number of nodes
PGN support for saving / loading games.
Copy / Paste text transcripts, positions
Game transcript box, and take back/ redo move buttons for playback of games.
Player Clocks & set timelimit option.
Dev Menu options : display perft, evaluation, tt-entry, right-click on piece for individual eval, and more
Slow Chess 2.0 download
All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page
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