Now requires a c++17 supporting compilation environment to build.
Support for Moves Left Head based networks. Includes options to adjust search to favour shorter/longer wins/losses based on the moves left head output.
Mate score reporting is now possible, and move selection will prefer shorter mates over longer ones when they are proven.
Training now outputs v5 format data. This passes the moves left information back to training. This also includes support for multiple sub formats,
including the existing standard, a new variant which can encode FRC960 castling, and also a further extension of that which tries to make training
data cannonical, so there aren't multiple positions that are trivially equivalent with different network inputs.
Benchmark now includes a suite of 34 positions to test by default instead of just start position.
Tensorflow backend works once more, almost just as hard to compile as it used to be though.
--noise flag is gone, use --noise-epsilon=0.25 to get the old behavior.
Some bug fixes related to drawscore.
Selfplay mode now defaults to the same value as match play for --root-has-own-cpuct-params (true).
Some advanced time management parameters are now accessed via the new --time-manager parameter instead of individual parameters.
Windows build script has been modernized.
Separate Eigen backend option for CPU.
Random backend no longer requires a network.
Random backend supports producing training data of any input format sub type.
Integer parameters now give better error messages when given invalid values.
Lc0 0.25.0-rc1 download
All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page
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