Raven is a chess engine written in C that uses the UCI protocol.
Rating JCER=2723, Author: Steve Griffin
New Features:
Principle Variation Search
Extend all passed pawn moves in late endgame.
Use TT score as static eval when possible.
No history pruning during null move search.
No history pruning on first four moves (as opposed to only first move).
No history pruning when in check.
No history pruning on moves that escape null move threat.
Limit reductions of moves with good history to one ply.
Complete PV with an alphabeta search if the PV gets cut off during retrieval.
No LMR in pawn endgames.
No null move verification at cut nodes.
No null move verification when static eval - 100 >= beta.
Crosscheck extensions.
Bonus for attacking enemy's back two ranks.
Time management:
Increase maximum time from 1.3 to 1.6 of original move time.
Extend move time if last move was a sacrifice.
Binaries are available for Windows and Linux (only tested on Ubuntu).
Edit: Reverted back to old time management as Raven was losing on time in the Amateur Series games. The exe has been replaced with the revised version.
Edit: Still having trouble with time management, deleted time extensions altogether and removed the latest extensions between 0.90 and 1.00 to see if that works.
All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page
Raven 1.00 download
Rating JCER=2723, Author: Steve Griffin
New Features:
Principle Variation Search
Extend all passed pawn moves in late endgame.
Use TT score as static eval when possible.
No history pruning during null move search.
No history pruning on first four moves (as opposed to only first move).
No history pruning when in check.
No history pruning on moves that escape null move threat.
Limit reductions of moves with good history to one ply.
Complete PV with an alphabeta search if the PV gets cut off during retrieval.
No LMR in pawn endgames.
No null move verification at cut nodes.
No null move verification when static eval - 100 >= beta.
Crosscheck extensions.
Bonus for attacking enemy's back two ranks.
Time management:
Increase maximum time from 1.3 to 1.6 of original move time.
Extend move time if last move was a sacrifice.
Binaries are available for Windows and Linux (only tested on Ubuntu).
Edit: Reverted back to old time management as Raven was losing on time in the Amateur Series games. The exe has been replaced with the revised version.
Edit: Still having trouble with time management, deleted time extensions altogether and removed the latest extensions between 0.90 and 1.00 to see if that works.
All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page
Raven 1.00 download
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