If you think that a chess engine should be further tested by us and played in the JCER tournament - you can sponsor it.
Engines in the waiting room, withdrawn from testing.
You make your donation, enter the name of the engine, and we test it again.
Engines in the waiting room, withdrawn from testing.
End of testing |
Abbess 2018 |
Abrok 6.0 |
Absolute Zero |
AceTM |
AcquaD 3.9.1 |
Adam 3.3 |
Adamant 1.7 |
AhOk 1.0 |
Aice0.97 |
Ajetac 2.73b |
Alaric 707 |
Alarm 0931 |
Alcibiades 0.3.0TM |
Alex 214 |
Alf 109 |
Alibaba 140 |
Alice 60627 |
Alouette 0.1.1 |
Amaterasu r22 |
Amundsen 080 |
Amyan 1.72 |
Anatoli 035k |
AnMon 5.75 |
Ant 6.06 |
Apollo 1.2.1 |
Apep 1.01 |
Apilchess 105r1b |
Bambix 0.75 |
Belofte 0.9.12 |
Bbchess 1.3b |
Beowulf 23b51 |
Butter 1.0 |
Calculon r258 |
Calimero 1.0 |
Carnivor 1.0 |
Cassandre 0.26 |
CDrill 1800 b4 |
Cefap 0.72 |
Celes 0.77c |
Cerebro 3.03d |
Cerulean 0.1.1 |
Chad's Chess 0.15 |
Chaturanga 243 |
Chenard 06-03-2018 |
Chesser 2.0 |
Cheops 1.1 |
Cheoss 0.649 |
Chess22k 1.14 |
Chess4j 3.5 |
ChessMaude 1.0 |
ChessMind 0.82 |
Chessone 2.01 |
Chessputer r7 |
Chessrikus 1.466 |
Chezzz 1.03 |
Chispa 4.03 |
Cicada 0.1 |
Claudia 0.5 |
Dabbaba 7.49 |
Damas 9 |
Darmenios 0.4 |
Djinn 1.021 |
Doch 1.34 |
DoubleCheck 3.3 |
Durandal 0.0.5 |
Ecce 1.0 |
Elf 1.30 |
EnkoChess 29082018 |
Esacto 0e |
Etchess 130108 |
Etude 0.12 |
Ezio 24.11.2016 |
FairyMax 5.0b |
Feuerstein 0.461 |
Fimbulwinter 5.04 |
Finny 0.1 |
Freccia |
Freyr 1.069 |
Fusch 01.09 |
Gaia 3.0 |
Gandalf 7 |
Garbochess 3 |
Gcosson 1.0 |
Ges 1.32 |
GerbilKM 0.2 |
Ghost 3.1 |
Giraffe 20161023 - The engine has a sponsor - Markus |
Giuchess 1.0 |
Gk 0.90 |
Glass 2 |
Gray Matter Revision 15.21 |
Grizzly 2 |
Gull 3.1 JV |
Gunborg 1.35 |
Hactar 0.0.9 |
Halogen 3.0 |
Honeycomb XR7 |
Horus |
Hsperr |
Hustle 5.01 |
Hussar 0.4 |
Hypernova 1.0 |
Ifrit m1.8 |
Inuyasha 1.00 |
Irina 0.13 |
Jabba 1.0 |
Jackalchess |
Joanna 2002 1.06 |
Jester 0.84 |
Jfresh 0.1a |
Jonny 4.00 |
Jumbo 0.7.0 |
Jonte 0.25 |
Kanguruh 1.93 |
Karotten 2018-03-01 |
Kitteneitor 0.22.1 |
Kiwi 0.6d |
Kurt 0.92.2 |
Leonidas 0.83 |
Lima 4.0 |
Lime 66 |
Luzhin 0.1 |
Macromix 2.01 |
Madlenka |
Magnumchess 4.0 |
Mangopaola 4.1 |
Marginal 0.1 |
Markovian |
Medicore 0.5 |
Merlin 2.3.1 |
Milady 3.25 |
Minace 1.0 |
Miniroque 2.1 |
Mint 1.1 |
Mobmat 903d |
Monarch 1.7 |
Monik 2.2.7 |
MonochromeTM |
Moron 1.0 |
Morphychess 105 |
Moustique 0.3 |
Nawito 1906 |
Nebiyu 1.46 |
Nino 0.1.0 |
NGplay 9.87b |
Nsvchess 0.14 |
Numbit |
Numpty Recharged |
Oberon 0.04 |
Oldsnake 0.80 |
Olivechess 0.3.2 |
Pandora |
Pepito 159.2 |
Phoom |
Pigeon 1.5.1 |
Pleco 0.1.3 |
Plisk 0.27 |
Popeye 4.80 |
Powder 1.5.1 |
Predateur 2.2.1 |
Presbyter 1.3.0 |
Pulse 1.7.1 |
Protej 0.58 |
Purplehaze 2.0 |
Pwned 1.3 |
Qn |
Quokka 2 |
RamJet 0.14 |
Rapchess 2018-02-01 |
Rocinante 2.0 |
Sayuri 2018.05.23 |
Sierzant 0.26 |
Sce 1.2 |
Schola |
Shallowblue 2.0.0 |
Simplex 0.97 |
SjaakII 1.4.0 |
Sjakk 2.2 |
Skiull 0.3 |
Skotz 0.2.1 |
Smallpotato 0.7.0 |
Smash 1.03a |
Snowy 0.2 |
Soberango 0.12.0 |
Sophy rev7 |
Stupid |
Sungorus 1.4 |
Sunsetter 9 |
Superpawn 110 |
Sxrandom 1 |
Supra 26/27 |
Testina 3c |
Theturk 0.3 |
Thinker 5.4D |
TinyChess 1.4.6 |
Tomitankchess 3.0 |
Trappist r36 |
Typhoon 1.0 |
Tyrel 1.02 |
Vice11 x32 |
Violet 4 |
Wchess 1.6 |
Weini 0.0.24 |
Wuttang rev2 |
Wowl 1.3.5 |
Zct 0.3.2500 |
Ziggurat 0.22 |
Ziggy 0.7 |
Zoe 0.1 |
Zorgus |
You make your donation, enter the name of the engine, and we test it again.
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