Halogen - UCI chess engine
Author: Kieren Pearson Rating JCER=2707
In self testing, Halogen 8 is approximately 200 elo stronger than Halogen 7.
Halogen 8 features a larger neural network than was contained in Halogen 7, but due to improvements and optimisations runs significantly faster. The current network was trained using a private neural network trainer written in C by @AndyGrant. I can't thank Andrew enough for the work he has done to support the development of Halogen.
As always, multiple builds are provided below. Halogen8-x64-AVX2.exe is recommended if it will run on your computer. Ideally, download each exe and run each with a bench command and use the one with the highest nodes per second (nps).
It is not recommended that you compile it yourself because it is currently experiencing significant slowdowns in multithreaded mode when compiled with gcc.
Halogen 8.0 download
All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page
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