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Berserk 3.2.1 wins JCER League group E5 edition 45, 2021.04.06-10

Promotion to Group E4: Berserk 3.2.1, Mayhem 3.8, Quabla 04-04-2021.
Relegation to Group E6: Chareth 0.1.0, GearHeart 0.16, MisterQueen.

Temp 3'+3"Lenovo Z710, i7-4710MG 7,9 GBGUI Arena 3.5.1
Book Perfect 2021All JCER games 94.482Table created Scid vs PC
JCER League
Tournament: 480 games
Amateur and new engines

E1 Edition 45 Rating JCER Score
1 Cheng4 0.40 2788 47.5 / 60 promotion
2 MrBob 1.0.0 2753 42.0 / 60 promotion
3 Crafty 25.6 2711 41.0 / 60 promotion
4 NiCim 3.4.1 2799 38.5 / 60
5 BulldogVB 2.1 2795 38.0 / 60
6 Atlas 3.91 2728 36.0 / 60
7 Delocto 0.61n 2681 31.0 / 60
8 ProDeo 3.1 2656 29.5 / 60
9 Arminius 2018-12-23 2674 29.5 / 60
10 Olithink 5.9.2 2652 28.0 / 60
11 Cheese 2.2 2669 27.5 / 60
12 Velvet 1.2.0 2712 24.0 / 60
13. Ruydos 1.1.11 2675 22.0 / 60
14. ECE 20.1 2734 17.0 / 60 relegation
15. Caligula 0.9g 2597 16.5 / 60 relegation
16. Dimitri 5.2.3 2594 12.0 / 60 relegation

E2 Edition 45 Rating JCER Score
1 Danasah 8.30 2617 43.5 / 60 promotion
2 Dumb 1.8 2679 42.0 / 60 promotion
3 Supernova 2.3 2659 41.5 / 60 promotion
4 GreKo 2020.03 2631 40.5 / 60
5 K2 0.99 2651 40.0 / 60
6 Fridolin 3.1 2628 39.5 / 60
7 Coiled 0.6 2605 33.0 / 60
8 Betsabe II 1.96 2574 29.0 / 60
9 KnightX 2.61 2597 27.5 / 60
10 Paulchen332 0.1.1 2701 25.5 / 60
11 CT800 1.42 2518 24.5 / 60
12 Raven 1.10 2572 23.5 / 60
13. NoC 4.20 2623 21.0 / 60
14. Vafra 2.17.0 2508 19.0 / 60 relegation
15. Popochin 4.1 2528 16.5 / 60 relegation
16. Ares GB 1.1 2516 13.5 / 60 relegation

E3 Edition 45 Rating JCER Score
1 Bagatur 2.2a 2880 59.5 / 60 promotion
2 Benjamin 2 2616 52.0 / 60 promotion
3 Drofa 2.2.0 2629 44.0 / 60 promotion
4 Waxman 2020 2591 35.5 / 60
5 Tunguska 1.1 2516 33.5 / 60
6 Devel 3.8.4 2652 31.5 / 60
7 Jonesy 1.0 2513 31.0 / 60
8 Giraffe 20161023 2532 29.5 / 60
9 Teki 2 2511 26.5 / 60
10 Cinnamon 2.3.4 2523 25.0 / 60
11 Ceechess 1.4 2531 22.5 / 60
12 Ceibo 0.6 2537 22.0 / 60
13. Foxsee 5.4 2577 21.0 / 60
14. Cosette 4.0 Komekko 2512 17.0 / 60 relegation
15. Jinx 1.0 2522 17.0 / 60 relegation
16. MagiC 2.0 2514 12.5 / 60 relegation

E4 Edition 45 Rating JCER Score
1 Googleplex Starthinker 1.7 beta2n 2499 42.0 / 60 promotion
2 Lozza 2021-01-12 2627 42.0 / 60 promotion
3 Isa 2.0.83 2458 38.0 / 60 promotion
4 Zevra 2.1.2 b248 2474 36.0 / 60
5 Barbarossa 0.5.0 2501 35.0 / 60
6 Kingfisher 1.1.1 2478 33.0 / 60
7 seeChess 1.2 2489 33.0 / 60
8 SpaceDog 0.97.7 2471 33.0 / 60
9 Galjoen 0.40.1 2479 32.5 / 60
10 RomiChess P3n 2549 32.0 / 60
11 Baislicka dev ac327fd 2426 23.0 / 60
12 Honzovy ลกachy 2.0 07-12-2019 2412 22.0 / 60
13. Badchess 0.4.4 2489 20.5 / 60
14. FrankyGo 1.0.2 2461 20.0 / 60 relegation
15. Goldfish 1.13.0 2408 19.5 / 60 relegation
16. Gunborg 1.65 2473 18.5 / 60 relegation

E5 Edition 45 Rating JCER Score
1 Berserk 3.2.1 2696 59.0 / 60 promotion
2 Mayhem 3.8 2550 55.0 / 60 promotion
3 Quabla 04-04-2021 2772 49.0 / 60 promotion
4 Donna 4.1 2578 41.0 / 60
5 Kouri 1.15 2383 30.0 / 60
6 ChessMatrix 1.0.6 2450 29.5 / 60
7 Sapeli 2.00 2452 26.5 / 60
8 Adachess 3.6 2351 26.0 / 60
9 Bell 0.0.41 2409 25.5 / 60
10 Jacksprat 1.0 2353 25.5 / 60
11 Tonyschess 0.03 2360 23.0 / 60
12 Claudia 0.51 2442 23.0 / 60
13. Tinman 0.41 dev 2435 19.0 / 60
14. Chareth 0.1.0 2406 17.5 / 60 relegation
15. GearHeart 0.16 2354 15.5 / 60 relegation
16. Mister Queen 2350 15.0 / 60 relegation

E6 Edition 45 Rating JCER

1 Embla 2.0.7

2 Monochrome r203

3 Eubos 2.2

4 Iathena 2020-12-19

5 Milady 4.05b

6 Sargon 1.01

7 Chessika 2.27

8 Quokka 2.1

9 Fractal 1.0

10 Haddock 0.2.1

11 Loki 2.0.0

12 Neocortex 1.0

13. Rapchess 2020-04-02

14. Rasch r142

15. Zahak 1.0.0

16. Minimalchess 0.3

17 ClassicAra 0.9.0

18 Bit-Genie 2
