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Stockfish 13 wins 1 League JCER edition 46, 2021.04.18-22

๐Ÿฅ‡Stockfish 13, ๐ŸฅˆSugaR AI 2.00, ๐Ÿฅ‰Fisherov 0.97.
Relegation to 2 League: Nemorino 6.00 Patch 1, Booot 6.5, Pedone 3.0

Temp 3'+3"Intel Core i7 7,9 GBGUI Fritz 17
Book Perfect 2021All JCER games 94.482Table created Scid vs PC
JCER League
Tournament: 480 games

League – TOP 64

1 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1. Stockfish 13 3109 47.5 / 60
2. SugaR Al 2.00 3129 46.0 / 60
3. Fisherov 0.97 3159 46.0 / 60
4. Raubfisch X44f1 3112 43.5 / 60
5. Dragon 1.0 3083 43.5 / 60
6. Ethereal 12.75 NNUE 3092 41.5 / 60
7. RubiChess 2.1 3024 34.5 / 60
8. Fire 8.1 2960 25.0 / 60
9. Xiphos 0.6.1 2923 22.0 / 60
10. Igel 3.0.0 2939 22.0 / 60
11. Komodo 12.1.1 (free) 2945 21.5 / 60
12. Slow Chess 2.5 2914 21.0 / 60
13. Fritz 17 2916 19.0 / 60
14. Nemorino 6.00 patch1 3011 18.0 / 60 relegation
15. Booot 6.5 2925 14.5 / 60 relegation
16. Pedone 3.0 2934 14.5 / 60 relegation

2 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1. Defenchess 2.3 2911

2. Schooner 2.2 2893

3. Laser 1.7 2912

4. Rofchade 2.3 2905

5. Andscacs 0.95 2893

6. Equinox 3.30 2857

7. Arasan 22.1 2864

8. Roc TCEC 19 2881

9. Houdini 1.5a 2837

10. Marvin 5.0.0 2850

11. Demolito 2021-04-03 2816

12. Wasp 4.50 2903

13. Combusken 1.4 2859

14. Tornado NNUE 2949

15. Beef 0.3.6 2904

16. Nirvanachess 2.5 2829

3 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1. Minic 3.04 2830

2. Vajolet2 2.8 2829

3. Protector 1.9.0 2817

4. Winter 0.9 2850

5. Orion 0.8 2912

6. Monolith 2 2788

7. SmarThink 1.98 2807

8. Excalibur 2818

9. Fizbo 2 2854

10. Ippos 1.27 2805

11. Weiss 1.3 2817

12. ChessBrainVB 3.74 2798

13. Amoeba 3.3 2775

14. Stash 29 2821

15. Ice4 853 2825

16. Sting 28 2793

4 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1. Gogobello 2.2 2769

2. Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 2791

3. Asymptote 0.8 2766

4. Fabchess 1.16 2762

5. Topple 0.8.0 2785

6. Tucano 9.0 2774

7. Fat Fritz 2 3155

8. Counter 3.7 2758

9. Godel 7.0 2758

10. BBC 1.4 2792

11. Baron 3.44.1 2751

12. Tomcat 1.0 2833

13. Francesca 0.30a 2794

14. Cheng4 0.40 2788

15. MrBob 1.0.0 2753

16. Crafty 25.6 2711
