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Chess Engines League JCER edition 46 - final results

League – TOP 64

1 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1. Stockfish 13 3109 47.5 / 60
2. SugaR Al 2.00 3129 46.0 / 60
3. Fisherov 0.97 3159 46.0 / 60
4. Raubfisch X44f1 3112 43.5 / 60
5. Dragon 1.0 3083 43.5 / 60
6. Ethereal 12.75 NNUE 3092 41.5 / 60
7. RubiChess 2.1 3024 34.5 / 60
8. Fire 8.1 2960 25.0 / 60
9. Xiphos 0.6.1 2923 22.0 / 60
10. Igel 3.0.0 2939 22.0 / 60
11. Komodo 12.1.1 (free) 2945 21.5 / 60
12. Slow Chess 2.5 2914 21.0 / 60
13. Fritz 17 2916 19.0 / 60
14. Nemorino 6.00 patch1 3011 18.0 / 60 relegation
15. Booot 6.5 2925 14.5 / 60 relegation
16. Pedone 3.0 2934 14.5 / 60 relegation

2 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1. Defenchess 2.3 2911 41.0 / 60 promotion
2. Rofchade 2.3 2905 38.5 / 60 promotion
3. Laser 1.7 2912 37.0 / 60 promotion
4. Schooner 2.2 2893 34.5 / 60
5. Roc TCEC 19 2881 33.5 / 60
6. Tornado NNUE 2949 32.5 / 60
7. Arasan 22.1 2864 32.5 / 60
8. Andscacs 0.95 2893 30.5 / 60
9. Marvin 5.0.0 2850 30.0 / 60
10. Equinox 3.30 2857 29.0 / 60
11. Wasp 4.50 2903 27.5 / 60
12. Houdini 1.5a 2837 25.5 / 60
13. Beef 0.3.6 2904 25.0 / 60
14. Demolito 2021-04-03 2816 24.0 / 60 relegation
15. Nirvanachess 2.5 2829 21.5 / 60 relegation
16. Combusken 1.4 2859 16.5 / 60 relegation

3 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1. Minic 3.04 2830 39.0 / 60 promotion
2. Ice4 853 2825 37.5 / 60 promotion
3. Stash 29 2821 37.0 / 60 promotion
4. Orion 0.8 2912 33.5 / 60
5. Vajolet2 2.8 2829 33.0 / 60
6. Protector 1.9.0 2817 33.0 / 60
7. Fizbo 2 2854 32.5 / 60
8. ChessBrainVB 3.74 2798 30.0 / 60
9. Winter 0.9 2850 30.0 / 60
10. Weiss 1.3 2817 29.0 / 60
11. SmarThink 1.98 2807 28.5 / 60
12. Excalibur 2818 27.0 / 60
13. Amoeba 3.3 2775 25.5 / 60
14. Ippos 1.27 2805 23.0 / 60 relegation
15. Sting 28 2793 21.5 / 60 relegation
16. Monolith 2 2788 20.0 / 60 relegation

4 League Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1. Fat Fritz 2 3155 59.5 / 60 promotion
2. Gogobello 3.0 2769 53.5 / 60 promotion
3. Cheng4 0.41 2788 34.5 / 60 promotion
4. Fabchess 1.16 2762 30.0 / 60
5. BBC 1.4 2792 29.0 / 60
6. Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 2791 27.0 / 60
7. Asymptote 0.8 2766 27.0 / 60
8. Topple 0.8.0 2785 27.0 / 60
9. MrBob 1.0.0 2753 27.0 / 60
10. Baron 3.44.1 2751 25.5 / 60
11. Godel 7.0 2758 25.0 / 60
12. Tucano 9.0 2774 25.0 / 60
13. Francesca 0.30a 2794 24.5 / 60
14. Counter 3.7 2758 24.0 / 60 relegation
15. Tomcat 1.0 2833 21.5 / 60 relegation
16. Crafty 25.6 2711 20.0 / 60 relegation

Amateur and new engines

E1 Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1 BulldogVB 2.1 2795 46.5 / 60 promotion
2 Invictus r305 2746 37.5 / 60 promotion
3 NiCim 3.4.1 2799 36.0 / 60 promotion
4 Atlas 3.91 2728 34.5 / 60
5 Delocto 0.61n 2681 33.0 / 60
6 Cheese 2.2 2669 33.0 / 60
7 TogaII 4.01 2741 33.0 / 60
8 Olithink 5.9.2 2652 32.0 / 60
9 ProDeo 3.1 2656 31.5 / 60
10 Velvet 1.2.0 2712 31.0 / 60
11 Arminius 2018-12-23 2674 30.5 / 60
12 Zurichess Nidwalden 2728 30.0 / 60
13. Danasah 8.30 2617 21.0 / 60
14. Supernova 2.3 2659 18.0 / 60 relegation
15. Ruydos 1.1.11 2675 16.5 / 60 relegation
16. Dumb 1.8 2679 16.0 / 60 relegation

E2 Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1 Bagatur 2.2a 2880 57.5 / 60 promotion
2 Drofa 3.0.0 2629 47.0 / 60 promotion
3 ECE 20.1 2734 38.5 / 60 promotion
4 K2 0.99 2651 36.5 / 60
5 Benjamin 2 2616 35.0 / 60
6 Coiled 0.6 2605 31.5 / 60
7 Fridolin 3.1 2628 29.5 / 60
8 GreKo psq 1.1 2631 27.0 / 60
9 Paulchen332 0.1.1 2701 25.5 / 60
10 Caligula 0.9g 2597 25.5 / 60
11 KnightX 2.7 2597 25.0 / 60
12 Dimitri 5.2.3 2594 24.0 / 60
13. Betsabe II 1.96 2574 23.0 / 60
14. NoC 4.20 2623 21.0 / 60 relegation
15. Raven 1.10 2572 18.5 / 60 relegation
16. CT800 1.42 2518 15.0 / 60 relegation

E3 Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1 Devel 3.8.4 2652 43.0 / 60 promotion
2 Waxman 2020 2591 37.0 / 60 promotion
3 Ares GB 1.1 2516 35.0 / 60 promotion
4 Googleplex Starthinker 1.7 beta2n 2499 33.5 / 60
5 Lozza 2021-01-12 2627 33.5 / 60
6 Jonesy 1.0 2513 31.0 / 60
7 Sponsoring Giraffe 20161023 2532 31.0 / 60
8 Foxsee 7,8 2577 30.5 / 60
9 Ceibo 0.6 2537 27.5 / 60
10 Popochin 4.1 2528 27.5 / 60
11 Tunguska 1.1 2516 27.0 / 60
12 Vafra 3.0.1 2508 26.5 / 60
13. Teki 2 2511 26.5 / 60
14. Isa 2.0.83 2458 26.0 / 60 relegation
15. Ceechess 1.4 2531 24.5 / 60 relegation
16. Cinnamon 2.3.4 2523 20.0 / 60 relegation

E4 Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1 Berserk 4.1.0 2794 59.0 / 60 promotion
2 Mayhem 4.3 2758 53.0 / 60 promotion
3 Quabla 04-04-2021 2631 40.5 / 60 promotion
4 Barbarossa 0.6 2507 35.0 / 60
5 RomiChess P3n 2547 35.0 / 60
6 Cosette 5.0 Megumin 2509 35.0 / 60
7 Zevra 2.1.2 b248 2489 35.0 / 60
8 Kingfisher 1.1.1 2489 27.0 / 60
9 Jinx 1.0 2487 26.5 / 60
10 Galjoen 0.40.1 2475 25.0 / 60
11 MagiC 2.0 2484 23.0 / 60
12 Baislicka dev ac327fd 2426 23.0 / 60
13. SpaceDog 0.97.7 2474 22.0 / 60
14. Honzovy ลกachy 2.0 07-12-2019 2407 15.5 / 60 relegation
15. seeChess 1.2 2484 15.0 / 60 relegation
16. Badchess 0.4.4 2469 10.5 / 60 relegation

E5 Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1 Donna 4.1 2581 52.0 / 60 promotion
2 Loki 3.5.0 2509 50.5 / 60 promotion
3 ClassicAra 0.9.0 2664 46.5 / 60 promotion
4 Embla 2.0.7 2444 38.5 / 60
5 Gunborg 1.65 2436 35.0 / 60
6 Claudia 0.51 2419 30.0 / 60
7 Goldfish 1.13.0 2403 29.0 / 60
8 FrankyGo 1.0.2 2432 27.5 / 60
9 Tonyschess 0.03 2355 27.0 / 60
10 Tinman 0.41 dev 2400 26.0 / 60
11 Jacksprat 1.0 2353 22.0 / 60
12 Sapeli 2.00 2441 21.5 / 60
13. Adachess 3.6 2349 21.0 / 60
14. Bell 0.0.41 2399 19.5 / 60 relegation
15. Kouri 1.15 2395 17.0 / 60 relegation
16. ChessMatrix 1.0.6 2469 17.0 / 60 relegation

E6 Edition 46 Rating JCER Score
1 Clover 2.2 2694 45.0 / 46 promotion
2 Seer 2.0.1 2778 44.5 / 46 promotion
3 Madchess 3.0 2500 41.0 / 46 promotion
4 Nalwald 1.8.1 2200 39.0 / 46
5 Novice 3.0 2200 39.0 / 46
6 Bit-Genie 4 2456 34.0 / 46
7 Zahak 2.0.0 2482 31.5 / 46
8 Chareth 0.1.0 2364 26.5 / 46
9 Minimalchess 0.4 2338 26.0 / 46
10 GearHeart 0.16 2336 23.5 / 46
11 Iathena 2020-12-19 2363 23.0 / 46
12 Rustic-alpha 2 2200 23.0 / 46
13. Mister Queen 2323 22.5 / 46
14. Monochrome r203 2364 21.0 / 46
15. Fractal 1.0 2308 20.0 / 46
16. Eubos 2.2 2374 15.0 / 46
17 Rasch r142 2300 14.5 / 46
18 Rapchess 2020-04-02 2267 13.5 / 46
19 Sargon 1.01 2230 13.0 / 46
20 Quokka 2.1 2276 11.5 / 46
21 Neocortex 1.0 2174 10.5 / 46
22 Haddock 0.2.1 2186 8.5 / 46 end
23 Belofte 2066 5.0 / 46 end
24 Milady 4.05b 2339 1.0 / 46 end
