TomitankChess - JavaScript Chess Engine (UCI)
Author - Tamás Kuzmics
Rating JCER=2982
TomitankChess (with node.js) run in Arena, in WinBoard and in Cutechess as well.
- Example for Arena GUI with node.js
+ Comand line: direct acces to node.exe (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)
+ Command line parameters: direct acces to tomitankChess.js (C:\Program Files\nodejs\tomitankChessUCI.js)
TomitankChess 5.1 - download
Author - Tamás Kuzmics
Rating JCER=2982
TomitankChess (with node.js) run in Arena, in WinBoard and in Cutechess as well.
- Example for Arena GUI with node.js
+ Comand line: direct acces to node.exe (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)
+ Command line parameters: direct acces to tomitankChess.js (C:\Program Files\nodejs\tomitankChessUCI.js)
This is quite different from the SF solution.
network is only 768x16x1. Smaller than I've seen before.
it does not replace evaluation, it only compensates that.
trained only with 2.7M example.
The network is not compatible with other engines (*) and it's integrated into the code. (hardcoded)
I wrote the network from scratch. I don't use machine learning platform.
I have around 10 elo better net (768x32x1) in fix depth test, but JavaScript is too slow, and don’t have AVX or similar methode in JavaScript (so i use vanilla approach). Essentially the smaller net has nearly the same strength in both short and long TC tests.
TomitankChess 5.1 - download
This is some sort of Java engine.