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Chess engine: Redfish 210921

Redfish is an open-source chess engine written in C++.

Redfish (with reference to the popular stockfish project) is a chess engine that I created out of interest for game theory and to strengthen my C++ programming capabilities. 
It uses a combination of 0x88 and bitboards as board representation, alpha-beta-pruning as search algorithm on the tree of possible game states and a simple piece-counting evaluation function.
Redfish is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Individual statistics: Redfish 210921 - 30 games (+  1,= 29,-  0), 51.7 %
Cfish 290721                  :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Bluefish 180921               :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Stockfish 14.1                :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
SugaR AI 2.50                 :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Fisherov 0.98j                :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Dragon 2.6                    :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Lc0 0.28.2                    :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Swordfish 14.7                :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Blue Marlin 14.7              :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
CorChess 100122               :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Raubfisch X48c2               :   2 (+  1,=  1,-  0), 75.0 %
ShashChess 20.2               :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
BrainLearn 15.2               :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Fat Titz 130122               :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Eman 7.80                     :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %

Sample game: Fisherov 0.98j - Redfish 210921 1/2 (time:15'+10")

Partia mi si� podoba�a (ChessBase 16)
[Event "2022.01.24.DellArenaStrongEnginesTourna"] [Site "DESKTOP-AU8L67R"] [Date "2022.01.30"] [Round "1"] [White "Fisherov 0.98j"] [Black "Redfish 210921"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C67"] [WhiteElo "3507"] [BlackElo "3400"] [PlyCount "198"] [EventDate "2022.??.??"] {[%evp 0,154,28,9,20,19,25,12,22,3,40,38,50,68,66,63,56,61,61,61,87,91,89,90, 79,84,86,66,58,92,65,60,77,30,37,16,7,0,0,4,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,-2,-13,0,0,0,0,0,27, 15,40,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,12,36,36,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,0,50, 29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,0,40,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29, 29,29,29,29,29,29,0,29,0,0,0,0,0,40,42,43,47,29,35,47,58,53,54,59,54,59,58,59, 67,59,60,46,56,50,62,73,0,0,-3,64,-8,-8,0,68,56,65,58,57,48,68]} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. O-O Nxe4 5. d4 Nd6 6. Bxc6 dxc6 7. dxe5 Nf5 8. Qxd8+ Kxd8 9. Nc3 Bd7 10. h3 h6 11. b3 Kc8 12. Bb2 b6 13. Rad1 c5 14. Nd5 a5 15. Rfe1 Be6 16. a4 g5 17. g4 Ne7 18. Ne3 Ng6 19. Kg2 Kb7 20. Kg3 Rb8 21. c4 Ra8 22. Nd5 Be7 23. Nxe7 Nxe7 24. Nd2 Ng6 25. Ne4 Rad8 26. f3 Rhg8 27. Nf6 Rxd1 28. Rxd1 Ra8 29. Rd2 Rh8 30. Bc3 Kc8 31. Nh5 Re8 32. Kf2 Rf8 33. Ke3 Rh8 34. Ke4 Kb7 35. Nf6 Bc8 36. Bb2 Ka7 37. Ke3 Kb7 38. Ke4 Ka7 39. Rd1 Nf4 40. Ke3 Kb7 41. Rd2 Ng6 42. Bc3 Ka6 43. Rd1 Kb7 44. Rd3 Ka6 45. Bb2 Nf4 46. Rd2 Ng6 47. Rd1 Ka7 48. Ke4 Nf4 49. Ke3 Be6 50. Ne4 Kb7 51. Rd2 Ng6 52. Bc3 Kc8 53. Nf6 Kb7 54. Ke4 Bc8 55. Rd1 Ka7 56. Nd5 Kb8 57. Bb2 Re8 58. f4 gxf4 59. Nxf4 Nxf4 60. Kxf4 Rg8 61. Bc3 Kb7 62. Rd3 Be6 63. Be1 c6 64. Bh4 Kc8 65. Rc3 Kd7 66. Rd3+ Kc8 67. Rd1 Re8 68. Bf6 Kc7 69. Bh4 b5 70. Be1 Kb6 71. Rd6 bxa4 72. bxa4 Rh8 73. Bc3 Ra8 74. Bd2 Rg8 75. Be3 Bxc4 76. Rxh6 Bb3 77. Rf6 Bxa4 78. Rxf7 Bb3 79. Rf6 a4 80. Bc1 Rd8 81. h4 Rd4+ 82. Kg5 Re4 83. Rf5 Bd1 84. Rf1 Rxg4+ 85. Kf6 Be2 86. Re1 Bf3 87. h5 a3 88. Bxa3 Rf4+ 89. Ke6 Rh4 90. Rb1+ Ka5 91. Bxc5 Rxh5 92. Be3 Ka4 93. Kd6 Rh1 94. Rxh1 Bxh1 95. e6 Bd5 96. e7 Bf7 97. Kxc6 Kb3 98. Kd7 Kc4 99. e8=R Bxe8+ 1/2-1/2


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