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Fisherov 0.98e wins 1 League Edition 01 - Chess Engines Diary, 2021.09.11 - 2021.09.20

 ๐Ÿฅ‡ Fisherov 0.98e,  
๐ŸฅˆRaubfisch X47b, ๐Ÿฅ‰ SugaR AI 2.40. 

Time 15'+10" HP ENVY i-5  i5-8250U, 8GB RAM GUI Fritz 17
Book Perfect 2021 All JCER games 01.09.2021 Table: Scid vs PC
CEDT League
Tournament: 240games

League – TOP 64

1 League Edition 01 – temp 15’+10” Rating Score
1. Fisherov 0.98e 3534 22.5 / 30
2. Raubfisch X47b 3473 21.5 / 30
3. SugaR Al 2.40 3483 20.0 / 30
4. Stockfish 14 3517 20.0 / 30
5. Dragon 2 3482 18.0 / 30
6. Ethereal 12.75 NNUE 3479 16.5 / 30
7. Fire 8 NN.MC3 3421 16.0 / 30
8. Igel 3.0.5 3400 15.0 / 30
9. Slowchess 2.7 3332 15.0 / 30
10. RubiChess 2.2 3318 13.0 / 30
11. Lc0 0.28 3323 11.5 / 30
12. Komodo 12.1.1 (free) 3323 11.5 / 30
13. Pedone 3.1 3351 11.0 / 30
14. Gogobello 3.0 3368 10.0 / 30
15. Nemorino 6.00 3374 9.5 / 30 relegation
16. Berserk 4.4.0 3317 9.0 / 30 relegation

2 League Edition 01 – temp 15’+10” Rating Score
1. Koivisto 6.0 3309

2. Xiphos 0.6.1 3307

3. Tornado NNUE 3306

4. Laser 1.7 3306

5. Rofchade 2.3 3303

6. Schooner 2.2 3299

7. Defenchess 2.3 3297

8. Fritz 17 3293

9. Andscacs 0.95 3290

10. Roc TCEC 19 3279

11. Dark Toga 1.1 3269

12. Minic 3.13 3265

13. Booot 6.5 3265

14. Clover 2.4 3256

15. Wasp 4.50 3254

16. Arasan 23 NNUE 3249

3 League Edition 01 – temp 15’+10” Rating Score
1. Beef 0.3.6 3242

2. Demolito 2021-07-09 3238

3. Danasah 9.00 NNUE 3242

4. Weiss 2.0 3238

5. Winter 0.9 3237

6. Orion 0.8 3236

7. Stash 31 3235

8. Fizbo 2 3233

9. Nirvanachess 2.5 3226

10. Marvin 5.1.0 3226

11. Invictus r305 3225

12. Seer 2.2.0 3224

13. Ice4 853 3221

14. Combusken 1.4 3210

15. Counter 3.9 3209

16. Vajolet2 2.8 3190

4 League Edition 01 – temp 15’+10” Rating Score
1. Protector 1.9.0 3187

2. Cheng4 0.41 3185

3. Tucano 9.13 3180

4. ChessBrainVB 3.74 3178

5. SmarThink 1.98 3175

6. Bagatur 2.2e 3166

7. BulldogVB 2.1 3156

8. Tomcat 1.0 3156

9. NiCim 3.4.1 3155

10. Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 3152

11. Monolith 2 3152

12. MrBob 1.0.0 3146

13. Drofa 3.2 3137

14. Topple 0.8.1 3137

15. Coiled 0.7 3136

16. Hakkapeliitta TCEC 3132
