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Chess engines: Devre 2.0

UCI chess engines: Devre
Author: ร–mer Faruk Tutkun

Devre is an open-source UCI compatible chess engine written in C as a hobby project.The code is a bit badly written now but I'll try to make it cleaner and more efficent in my free time. Although Devre is an original chess engine written from scratch, I got great help from chessprogramming wiki , talkchess forum,stcokfish discord ,and some open-source C engines: Ethereal, Vice, CPW.

New neural network
Some bug fixes in search
Improvements in late move reduction
Improvements in time management
handle with stop & quit commands while searching
small speed improvement in NNUE code
some small changes in move ordering
This version is 150-200 elo stronger than the previous one, and the estimated elo is 3100.
