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Wasp 5.20 second compiles wins Banksia Crazy Tournament, 28.01.2022

Level - Depth 10  πŸ’» Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz  RAM 16,0 GB, GUI Banksia
πŸ’Ύ 90 tournament games download, πŸ’Ύ All games CEDR:13.7454 games

Tech (average nodes, depths, time/m per move, others per game), counted for computing moves only, ignored moves with zero nodes: # name nodes/m NPS depth/m time/m moves time #fails.

Arasan 23.234263507910.
Berserk 8.5.121208606510.
Cheese 3.0.1149876294910.
Combusken 2.0.0105746477210.
Demon 1.115119154626.
Protej 0.6.213813419289.
SlowChess Blitz 2.876881536.
Tucano 10.001507462.
Wasp 5.20 139379778610.
