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Berserk 9-dev wins Banksia Tournament 3-21.02.2022

Time: 15'+10"  ๐Ÿ’ป Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz  RAM 16,0 GB, GUI Banksia

๐Ÿ’พ 132 tournament games download, ๐Ÿ’พ All games CEDR:17.349 games (17.02.2022)

Tech (average nodes, depths, time/m per move, others per game), counted for computing moves only, ignored moves with zero nodes: # name nodes/m NPS depth/m time/m moves time #fails.
Arasan 23.21356661867630.121.967.21474.1
Berserk 9-dev NN1645483091630.819.886.01703.0
Cheese 3.0.134732179505118.719.364.61250.6
Clover 3.01224368948938.517.887.01545.7
Colossus 2021b27378132407324.120.770.01446.4
Combusken 2.0.027325126050027.621.768.61486.52
Drofa 3.3.01601283750127.919.179.81525.2
Eggnog 3.0 NNUE593145186710.513.155.8732.72
Koivisto 7.131836686179634.921.368.91467.62
Mayhem 6.631699147816817.121.470.51512.8
Rebel 14.1 NNUE1103859620124.618.580.11482.8
Velvet v3.1.31426877972527.718.392.31689.4


  1. is it possibe for Sugar 250 to beat Stockfish 200222

    on WinBoard 4.7.3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?


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