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Blue Marlin 14.8 and Stockfish 130222 wins Banksia Tournament, 14.02.2022

 Time: 15'+10"  πŸ’» Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz  RAM 16,0 GB, GUI Banksia

πŸ’Ύ 182 tournament games download, πŸ’Ύ All games CEDR:17.349 games (17.02.2022)

Tech (average nodes, depths, time/m per move, others per game), counted for computing moves only, ignored moves with zero nodes: # name nodes/m NPS depth/m time/m moves time #fails.

Arasan 23.253297322770430.416.567.01105.7
Blue Marlin 14.857390427586354.313.495.91286.9
Crystal 25122158781385365838.015.381.41241.4
Devre 2.024842147056022.816.938.3647.313
Dragon 2.6.153741400824040.613.485.21142.2
Eman 7.8060492440314367.213.787.21198.4
Halogen 10.22122904769179834.016.070.31123.42
Mayhem 6.747448278130918.617.163.21078.7
Raubfisch X48d259276405250755.414.683.51220.8
Stockfish 13022259422420273753.814.188.31248.0
Swordfish 14.863264452924756.814.090.31261.4
Tucano 10.0049025327441732.615.078.31171.9
Wasp 5.2055256373496024.214.876.31129.5
