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Fisherov 0.98j wins Banksia Tournament 29.03.-05.04.2022

Time: 15'+10"  πŸ’» Lenovo Ideapad 330 i3-8130U 12GB RAM, GUI Banksia

πŸ’Ύ 90 tournament games download, πŸ’Ύ All games CEDR: 22.487 games (01.04.2022)

Tech (average nodes, depths, time/m per move, others per game), counted for computing moves only, ignored moves with zero nodes: # name nodes/m NPS depth/m time/m moves time #fails.
Booot 6.51546079127232.219.574.91463.22
Clover 3.11681592089433.018.366.31210.2
Dragon 2.6.11306372131736.118.191.51657.1
Fire 8.NN.MC.31485477588626.419.183.61600.7
Fisherov 0.98j1388769650344.519.975.21498.7
Mayhem 7.031484121929716.525.846.21192.1
ProteusSF 0051307170860647.418.491.91694.9
Stockfish 14.11377468323447.720.271.21434.8
Stockfish 2503221384466800042.720.775.71568.2
SugaR AI 2.501587179278947.720.077.81556.8
