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ProteusSF JBE 007 wins Swiss Tournament CEDR, 2022.04.19-21

Best progress: Arasan 23.3 +14

Time: 15'+10"  💻 HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM, GUI Fritz 17

P Engine CEDR Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Chg
1: ProteusSF JBE 007 3500 5.5 / 8 2b= 4b= 14w+ 11b+ 7w+ 3w= 6w= 5b= +2
2: Blue Marlin 14.9 3508 5.5 / 8 1w= 9w= 5b= 8w+ 14b+ 4b= 3b= 11w+ +0
3: Fisherov 0.98j 3524 5.0 / 8 11b+ 5w= 6b= 10b+ 4w= 1b= 2w= 9b= -5
4: CorChess 180422 3494 5.0 / 8 9b= 1w= 13b+ 7w+ 3b= 2w= 5w= 6b= +2
5: Kayra 1.2 3472 5.0 / 8 12w+ 3b= 2w= 6b= 13w+ 7b= 4b= 1w= +0
6: Arasan 23.3 3298 5.0 / 8 16w+ 8b= 3w= 5w= 9b= 10b+ 1b= 4w= +14
7: Crystallite 1.1a 3475 5.0 / 8 10w+ 13b+ 8w+ 4b- 1b- 5w= 9w= 15b+ -7
8: Orion 0.9 3017 5.0 / 8 15w+ 6w= 7b- 2b- 12b+ 9w= 16b+ 14w+ +9
9: Stockfish 15 3497 4.5 / 8 4w= 2b= 10b= 12w+ 6w= 8b= 7b= 3w= -12
10: Wasp 5.50 3157 4.5 / 8 7b- 12b+ 9w= 3w- 11b+ 6w- 15w+ 16b+ +2
11: Frozenight 3.0.1 2880 4.0 / 8 3w- 15b+ 16b+ 1w- 10w- 14w+ 13b+ 2b- -2
12: Horowitz 1.0 2400 3.0 / 8 5b- 10w- 15w+ 9b- 8w- 16b+ 14w+ 13b* +5
13: Avalanche 0.2.1 2400 3.0 / 8 14b+ 7w- 4w- 16w+ 5b- 15b+ 11w- 12w* +5
14: Pigeon 1.5.1 fix 2400 2.0 / 8 13w- 16b+ 1b- 15w+ 2w- 11b- 12b- 8b- -10
15: Pulse C++ 1.7.3 1779 1.0 / 8 8b- 11w- 12b- 14b- 16w+ 13w- 10b- 7w- +1
16: Fatalii 0.1.2 1925 0.0 / 8 6b- 14w- 11w- 13b- 15b- 12w- 8w- 10w- -12

💾 64 tournament games download, 💾 All games CEDR: 22.487 games (01.04.2022)

Interesting game:

Partia mi si� podoba�a (ChessBase 16)
[Event "Swiss Tournament CEDR"] [Site "Chess Engines Diary"] [Date "2022.04.20"] [Round "5"] [White "ProteusSF JBE 007"] [Black "Crystallite 1.1a"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D52"] [WhiteElo "3500"] [BlackElo "3475"] [Annotator "0.14;0.10"] [PlyCount "93"] [EventDate "2022.04.19"] [EventType "swiss"] [SourceTitle "Fritz Engine Tournament"] [Source "Doe"] [TimeControl "900+10"] {[%e@p 0,93,25,19,18,20,17,-3,6,6,42,0,0,27,20,11,8,7,37,7,-20,-30,7,-36,-43, -43,-56,-58,-18,-36,-3,-61,-41,-70,-70,-45,0,-12,32,-45,78,113,148,153,340,258, 247,247,261,250,256,263,300,309,313,312,320,281,328,338,379,370,494,493,459, 480,476,476,549,575,575,586,594,536,590,634,673,706,719,717,760,802,885,896, 896,969,1035,1055,1083,1117,1136,1195,1254,1292,1735,1836] Intîl(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU î 1.60GHz 1800 MHz W=29.1 plies; 2 599kN/s B=21.4 plies; 1 334kN/s} 1. Nf3 {[%eval 14,38] 98} d5 {[%eval 10,26] 94} 2. d4 {[%eval 8,31] [%emt 0:00:13]} Nf6 {[%eval 11,23] [%emt 0:00:15]} 3. c4 {[%eval 18,31] [%emt 0:00:14]} e6 {[%eval 3,23] [%emt 0:00:14]} 4. Nc3 {[%eval 17,33] [%emt 0:00:21] (cxd5)} c6 {[%eval 9,25] 89 (Gb4)} 5. Bg5 {[%eval 16,31] [%emt 0:00:17] (e3)} Nbd7 {[%eval 16,27] [%emt 0:00:57] (h6)} 6. e3 {[%eval 18,35] [%emt 0:00:18] (cxd5)} Qa5 {[%eval 6,22] [%emt 0:00:11]} 7. Nd2 {[%eval 13,35] [%emt 0:00:37]} Bb4 {[%eval 20,28] 66 (dxc4)} 8. Rc1 {[%eval 19,37] 83 (Hc2)} O-O {[%eval 12, 25] [%emt 0:00:37] (e5)} 9. Bh4 {[%eval 24,31] [%emt 0:00:13] (a3)} Bxc3 { [%eval 10,22] [%emt 0:00:12]} 10. bxc3 {[%eval 25,35] [%emt 0:00:58]} b5 { [%eval 11,27] 114 (c5)} 11. c5 {[%eval 35,29] [%emt 0:00:12] (cxd5)} Qxa2 { [%eval 57,24] [%emt 0:00:31]} 12. Bd3 {[%eval 37,32] [%emt 0:00:19]} a5 { [%eval 73,28] 171} 13. O-O {[%eval 70,35] [%emt 0:00:47]} Qa3 {[%eval 84,25] [%emt 0:00:16] (Ga6)} 14. Nb1 {[%eval 114,32] [%emt 0:00:20] (g4)} Qa4 { [%eval 87,27] [%emt 0:00:49] (Ha1)} 15. Bc2 {[%eval 134,30] [%emt 0:00:22] (Hxa4)} Qa1 {[%eval 44,24] [%emt 0:00:07] (Ha2)} 16. f3 {[%eval 127,33] [%emt 0:00:30] (e4)} a4 {[%eval 308,24] 166 (Ga6)} 17. Rf2 {[%eval 185,29] [%emt 0: 00:25] (Gd3)} e5 {[%eval 324,26] 78} 18. Bd3 {[%eval 210,28] [%emt 0:00:21]} e4 {[%eval 322,23] [%emt 0:00:03] (exd4)} 19. Bf1 {[%eval 242,25] [%emt 0:00:21] (Wcc2)} exf3 {[%eval 282,21] [%emt 0:00:20]} 20. gxf3 {[%eval 242,29] [%emt 0: 00:24]} Nxc5 {[%eval 386,20] [%emt 0:00:11] (g5)} 21. dxc5 {[%eval 246,27] [%emt 0:00:22]} Kh8 {[%eval 451,22] [%emt 0:00:38]} 22. Rcc2 {[%eval 262,30] [%emt 0:00:24] (Hd4)} Bf5 {[%eval 387,19] [%emt 0:00:01]} 23. e4 {[%eval 252, 31] [%emt 0:00:24]} Nxe4 {[%eval 440,21] [%emt 0:00:06]} 24. fxe4 {[%eval 259, 32] [%emt 0:00:22]} Bxe4 {[%eval 475,20] [%emt 0:00:06]} 25. Rc1 {[%eval 254, 33] [%emt 0:00:34]} f6 {[%eval 533,20] [%emt 0:00:29] (Wae8)} 26. Bg3 {[%eval 276,26] [%emt 0:00:25] (c4)} Rfe8 {[%eval 482,17] [%emt 0:00:01]} 27. Nd2 { [%eval 287,27] [%emt 0:00:24]} Qa3 {[%eval 548,21] [%emt 0:00:07]} 28. Nxe4 { [%eval 290,27] [%emt 0:00:23]} dxe4 {[%eval 575,19] [%emt 0:00:05] (Wxe4)} 29. Bd6 {[%eval 290,27] [%emt 0:00:22]} Rad8 {[%eval 595,21] [%emt 0:00:27] (Wa7)} 30. Bg2 {[%eval 301,26] [%emt 0:00:28] (Kh1)} b4 {[%eval 586,21] [%emt 0:00:12] (We6)} 31. Qe1 {[%eval 340,28] [%emt 0:00:43] (cxb4)} bxc3 {[%eval 661,20] [%emt 0:00:12]} 32. Rxc3 {[%eval 360,31] [%emt 0:00:20] (Hxc3)} Qb4 {[%eval 630,16] [%emt 0:00:01]} 33. Re3 {[%eval 378,29] [%emt 0:00:30]} Qb7 {[%eval 654,18] [%emt 0:00:04] (Hxe1+)} 34. Rxe4 {[%eval 393,24] [%emt 0:00:21] (Wf1)} Rxe4 {[%eval 742,20] [%emt 0:00:22] (Hf7)} 35. Qxe4 {[%eval 427,26] [%emt 0:00: 23]} a3 {[%eval 785,19] [%emt 0:00:02]} 36. Qf5 {[%eval 465,25] [%emt 0:00:23]} Qf7 {[%eval 922,20] [%emt 0:00:19]} 37. Be4 {[%eval 495,24] [%emt 0:00:21]} Qg8 {[%eval 958,20] [%emt 0:00:12]} 38. Rf1 {[%eval 571,26] [%emt 0:00:31]} a2 { [%eval 947,17] [%emt 0:00:01]} 39. Ra1 {[%eval 662,25] [%emt 0:00:29]} Re8 { [%eval 959,18] [%emt 0:00:03]} 40. Bxc6 {[%eval 762,23] [%emt 0:00:41]} Qc4 { [%eval 997,21] [%emt 0:00:23]} 41. Qd5 {[%eval 890,23] [%emt 0:00:51]} Qg4+ { [%eval 1008,15] [%emt 0:00:02]} 42. Bg3 {[%eval 914,21] [%emt 0:00:21]} Rf8 { [%eval 1044,19] [%emt 0:00:10]} 43. Bd7 {[%eval 1029,21] [%emt 0:00:25] (Wxa2)} Qb4 {[%eval 1008,17] [%emt 0:00:03]} 44. Rxa2 {[%eval 2123,22] [%emt 0:00:30]} g6 {[%eval 1016,16] [%emt 0:00:02] (Hc3)} 45. Kg2 {[%emt 0:00:26] 26.81/ 37 (c6)} h5 {[%eval 1132,19] [%emt 0:00:31] (Kg7)} 46. c6 {[%eval 2674,33] [%emt 0:00:15]} Rg8 {[%eval 1152,17] [%emt 0:00:11] (f5)} 47. c7 {[%eval 32746,37] [%emt 0:00:06] (We2)} 1-0
