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SugaR AI 2.50 wins Banksia Swiss Tournament CEDR 05-21.04.2022

Time: 15'+10"  πŸ’» Lenovo Ideapad 330 i3-8130U 12GB RAM, GUI Banksia

πŸ’Ύ 60 tournament games download, πŸ’Ύ All games CEDR: 22.487 games (01.04.2022)

Tech (average nodes, depths, time/m per move, others per game), counted for computing moves only, ignored moves with zero nodes: # name nodes/m NPS depth/m time/m moves time #fails.

Admete 1.4.0565628202914.220.151.01022.9
Avalanche 0.2632128698515.222.062.01365.7
Barbarossa 0.6.0443522113516.320.180.81619.5
Berserk 91717475752630.822.765.61487.8
Black Marlin 5.01436469262428.620.771.01472.5
Combusken 2.0.024178116634426.120.773.41522.11
CorChess 0104221361363737531.121.467.41439.0
Fisherov 0.98j1378262047840.422.249.51099.5
Inanis 1.0.056578271359621.020.822.1461.76
Lozza 2.2462721385817.721.661.11322.4
ProteusSF 0061319362505240.121.170.91496.0
SlowChess 2.83915842241931.121.761.31328.0
Stash 32.040950185793838.622.060.31327.9
Stockfish 010422 Ivec1461773586743.519.973.81465.0
SugaR AI 2.501471669279444.221.271.41517.3
Toga IV1069358396024.818.372.41325.3
