Caligula is a freeware winboard compatible chess engine based in TSCP.
Caligula use by default 256 Mb for hash. You can change hash with command line.
Caligula, a chess program by successor of Toledo 2000. Caligula played a strong 6th Spanish Open Computer Chess Championship 1999 and became Spanish Champion and runner-up behind Chess Tiger, winning from Tiger [2] and Diep, but losing from its countrymen programs Eugen and Ruy Lopez. (source)
Individual statistics: Caligula 0.9g - 22 games (+ 5,= 1,- 16), 25.0 %
Giraffe 20161023 : 2 (+ 2,= 0,- 0), 100.0 %
Gunborg 1.65 : 2 (+ 2,= 0,- 0), 100.0 %
Stockfish 14.1 : 2 (+ 0,= 0,- 2), 0.0 %
FoxSEE 7.32.1 : 2 (+ 1,= 1,- 0), 75.0 %
Fisherov 0.98i : 2 (+ 0,= 0,- 2), 0.0 %
Fritz 15 : 2 (+ 0,= 0,- 2), 0.0 %
Fat Titz 110122 : 2 (+ 0,= 0,- 2), 0.0 %
Rebel 14 NNUE : 2 (+ 0,= 0,- 2), 0.0 %
Stockfish 130122 : 2 (+ 0,= 0,- 2), 0.0 %
Deep Shredder 13 : 2 (+ 0,= 0,- 2), 0.0 %
Fat Titz 130122 : 2 (+ 0,= 0,- 2), 0.0 %
Author: Pedro Castro, Rating CEDR=2604
Caligula 1.0b - download
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